My Friend The Uchiha(Season 1)

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For the past 4 years on top of the usual ignorance from parents and bullying from friends Izuku had been training his body physically. For an eight year old he was actually quite well toned and stronger physically than anyone else his age but he wears baggy clothing to hide it. He also had been working on a fighting style but it is still very sloppy however he is definitely the strongest and most talented fighter in his grade.

Despite all this Izuku chooses not to fight back because he doesn't want to cause trouble since the principal would put the blame on him and since he didn't want to hurt his "friends".

All the other kids minus shoku have begun to pick on him and some would push or shove him around but Izumi and her gang were the ones who would still beat him almost everyday. Although he hated getting beat which any sane person should he did kinda see it as durability and endurance training.

Or at least that is what he had been telling himself to try and not make it seem as bad. Izuku and Shoku were eating lunch alone on the roof like they do everyday talking about different various subjects when the topic of the new kid came into discussion.

Shoku: Yeah the teacher said he'll be joining our class tomorrow.

Izuku: Oh t-thats cool I guess.

Izuku responded not really paying attention tho however shoku noticed.

Shoku: What's the matter Izu?

Shoku asked while tilting her head to the side making Izuku blush a bit from both the action and the nickname.

Izuku: Well it's hard to get excited because he will probably just hate me like everyone else.

Izuku responded while putting his head down. Only for it to be pushed back up by shoku as she then rested her hand on his shoulder.

Shoku: So what, even if they do we don't need anyone because we have each other.

Shoku says while smiling. Izuku smiles in return and they both start to eat their lunch

Time skip going home

Izuku took a really long way home that night to try and avoid being beaten up again. On his walk home through the park he accidentally bumbed into another kid walking by.

 On his walk home through the park he accidentally bumbed into another kid walking by

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Izuku: Oh I'm so sorry that was my bad.

Izuku quickly responded while bowing down.

????: Don't worry about it I should've been watching where I was going. I feel like we've met before, do I know you?

Izuku: I don't think so but I'm Izuku Y-Yagi.

Izuku thoughts: Tho I'm barely a Yagi at this point.

A face of deep thought follows the boy face then followed by a face of realization with a smile.

????: Oh you are Izumi's brother.

The boy puts his hand out for a handshake.

Haise: Nice to meet you my name is Uchiha Haise.

Izuku reluctantly shakes his hand. "
Izuku: Y-you k-know my s-sister?

Haise blushes

Haise: Yeah I've been friends with her and her group for about 3 years. I'm actually going to her school tomorrow. Don't you go their too.

Izuku only nods in response.

Haise: You know Izumi barely talks about you, I almost forgot she has her brother.

Izuku turns around the other way.

Izuku: Sorry I really should be getting home or my parents might get worried.

Izuku thoughts: That's a lie. They probably weren't even notice.'

Haise: Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you or anything.

Buut Izuku started running the other way.

Time skip(ts from now own) Izuku gets home

After walking in he looks to see his family eating dinner and watching TV together. Izuku goes upstairs and straight to bed not in the mode to face them or cook himself dinner.

Next day

As Izuku is walking to school he sees everyone staring at Haise. All the girls think he is dreamy while the guys are kinda jealous.

Haise looks around before sporting Izuku and waving and then coming over. As he does whispers began to spread around the crowds.

Haise: Yo Yagi what's up bro.

Haise greets casually while ignoring the whispers.

Haise: I don't know anyone here and cant find Izumi is so I'm tasking you with showing me around.

He says while grinning.

Izuku: B-But you d-don't want to-

Haise: nope no buts also stop stuttering around me were friends.

Izuku smiles liking this feeling but quickly it dissapears when Izumi and her friends get here.

Izumi: Haise what's up.

Izumi greets while hugging him making Bakugo a bit jealous. Shoku walks over and stands next to Izuku while the others stay behined Izumi.

Haise: Hey zumi, what's up guys

Haise waves at the others. Shoto nods while Bakugo just tsks.

They then see Izuku standing their.

Bakugou: Why is this Deku here? You dont want to be seen with him red eyes.

Hasie tilts his head in cufusion while Izuku begans to tense knowing not only is his new friend gonna turn on him but he is probably about to get beat.

Haise:Deku? Do you mean Yagi? He's my new friend we met yesterday at the park.

Izumi: Haise listen-Izumi starts but is cut off by Bakugou and Shoto at the same time-

Shoto/Bakugou: He's quirkless.

Izuku flinched when he hears that cursed word. He looks at Haise who just looks blankly at him and then back to them.

Haise: OK and what else?

Everyone becomes shocked.

Shoto: Like he has no power so he's useless but he still wants to be a hero.

Shoto says while the other two nod.

A scowl begins to grow on Hasies face.

Haise: Ok first just because you have no power doesn't make you useless and anyone can be a hero.

Izuku is shocked to say the least. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes but he holds them back. This is the first time anyone has defended him other than Shoku.

Haise: besides I'm quirkless too.

Everyone gasps at this statement while Izumi begans to question it.

Izumi: No that's not possible what about your eye thing?"

Everyone else imtensly listens.

Haise: Oh my sharingan? That's a kekkai genkai not a quirk. All Uchiha's have it but most have a quirk on top of it. I am quirkless tho.

Just then the bell rings and they are have to go back to class. Haise decides to walk with Izuku because he feels a little uncomfortable with that latest interactions and makes small talk with him and shoku while Izumi's group stands their baffled.

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