Chàptèr 1🤍

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Ariana Fletcher| 17| sy
New Orleans, Louisana

So my name is Ariana Fletcher I'm a Senior in high school and I'm about to be 18 in 5 months. I have a 4 month child but I'm not telling the gender just yet but first y'all gotta know the story first y'all to know what happened.

1 year ago

So right now I am in my bed watching riverdale when my phone ranged. Making me huff seeing the caller Id was my mama.

Me and my mama don't have the best relationship she's never home she's always at works and when she is home it's like she doesn't want me there so I go with my daddy till she leaves.

On my daddy side I have 3 siblings 2 sisters that was 5 and 10 and a baby brother who was 1.

"Hey mother." I said dryly.

"Imma need you to go by your father for the week." She said making me mug the phone.

"Excuse me ma'am but how come every time you come home I gotta go with my dad? Why have kids if your gonna neglect them?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions just do it."she said hanging up making me mug the phone and pack my bag and call my daddy.

"Hello." He said.

"What are you doingggg." I dragged causing him to laugh.

"Shidddd laying down." He said.

"Can you come pick me up she coming back home tonight." I said causing him to huffing because I don't have a car.

"Stay at a friends house tonight and I'll pick you up tomorrow after school." He said making me say ok and we said our goodbyes then hung up.

He always lets me sleep at my friend then picks me up from school.

I then called my best friend Princess.-

"Wassup." She said

"Whatcha doing."'I asked

"Nothing." She said causing me to nod.

"Can we have another sleep over tonight." I asked since she doesn't know anything about my situation at how due to the fact that ion trust people that easily.

"Yea no problem but I got some tea to spill." She said causing me to sigh.

She's a hoe she party all the time and had 3 abortions in the last year.

"Ok come pick me up in 30 minutes." I said.

"Ok bye." She said hanging up

I went downstairs after I packed my bag. I grabbed a couple of smacks and sat down.

By my mama not being home and me having to work I buy all the groceries with my little 200 dollar check I get from Walmart.

I watched Netflix on my phone until I heard a horn honking. I got up and went outside to see Princess in her car blasting New Orleans bounce since it was Saturday.

"Girl turn that down." I said mugging.

"My bad girl I forgot you live in the suburbs." She said causing me to look at her sideways.

"I'm joking luv." She said laughing causing me to do that little White people laugh.

"But tell my Tyrone said I was cheating. Like bitch I was but still how he know. But it's not even cheating I just sucked his dick, you feel me." She said laughing.

"No." I said getting back on my phone.

"Well there's this party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." She said causing me to look at her like she was stupid.

"No you know I don't do parties." I said.

"Please imma keep asking until you say yea." She said pouting as we pulled up to her house.

"Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please." She kept going making my groan.

"Fine." I said causing her to laugh and jump on me.

"What time it start." I said laughing. This girl funny as hell when she want to be.

"I'm like 4 hours." She said making me nod.

"Who's hosting." I asked laying down

"East." She said making me pop up.

"East East? Like Dave East the biggest drug dealer east?" I asked making her nod.

"Ok well I'm going go sleep wake my up in like 2 hours." I said causing her to nod and get on her phone as I went to sleep.


Another story 😌😏

This is what Ariana look like in case y'all don't know.

This is what Ariana look like in case y'all don't know

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But yea

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