Chapter 13🤍

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Ariana Fletcher |Ari| 18

2 months later ( I pushed Kaira birthday back and yall going be pissed off with me)

So today is Kairi and Kingston birthday party. I know y'all thinking ain't king birthday already past. Yes but since he ain't have a party we throwing it together. This will be the only time there parties would be together.

But any whore when I got up obviously I limped to the shower.

I took a shower and did my hygiene and limped to the room where I got dressed in my party outfit. I woke Dave up to get dressed while I went woke up king and Kai.

"Wake up Kai Kai happy birthday" I said hugging her making her smile but immediately turned into a mug .

"You mean." I said before walking over to King's room.

"King baby wake up." I said lightly shaking him.

He woke up and smiled at me the straight faced me.

"Ka." He said trying to Kai name making me huff and got him ready first since I knew Kai most likely went back to sleep.

After I got Kai ready I went to see if Dave was ready which he was.

"Good morning." I said kissing his lips.

"Good morning the kids ready." He asked making me nod as we walked down stairs and saw the gang there making me confused as fuck.

"how yall got in here?" I asked confused as thee fuck.

"bestie were criminals." Killa asked as they were dressed in there outfits along with the girls and kids.

"Cousinnn!!!" Ashley yelled coming to hug me.

When she hugged me I felt a small bump.

"Aww cousin there's a bump." I said rubbing it a little.

"India you look pretty." I said as the men broke off into there own conversations.

"Thank you." She said hugging me.

"tt." Loyal said running to me as Jayda and chucky walked threw the door.

"Hey baby." I said picking him up as I spoked to killa and hugged Jayda.

"Hey girly." Jayda said hugging India and Ashley.

"Bae we gotta go." East said making me nod as we all walked out of the house into our trucks.

When we made it to the hall it was decorated nice as hell.

"Ohhh this nice." India said making me laugh.

"I know." Ashley said laughing as well.

Like 5 hours later when we was cleaning up I heard loud ass music playing from out side making the boys and me walk out there since Killa, Chucky and ty didn't want the girls coming out side.

Dave ain't want me out there either but fuck it. We walked out there and saw a group of like 3 or 4 girls getting out the car.

"Hey baby daddy." Some broad said walking up to Dave making me scrunch up my face.

"Baby daddy?!?" All the boys except Dave said.

"Yea he didn't tell yall I'm 2 months pregnant." She said smiling rubbing her flat ass stomach.

"Bitch why the fuck you rubbing that plate shaped ass stomach." Killa said with his face scrunched up making the boys but me and Dave laugh.

"Pregnant?" I whispered well I thought I whispered.

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