16 1 0

June 2011


Eight words messily transcribed on the sign that once held the name of cedar hills highschool.

Funny how eight small words ruined his life.

When he arrived on the first day of his last official week of highschool, it's the last thing he expected to see. But for mako, no amount of disbelief and silent curses could change it.

it only got worse when he went inside.

students whispering and pointing at him as they passed, the more bold ones actually shouting slurs at him or daring to physically push him against lockers.

By the time he made it to the office he'd been shoved three times, called a faggot twice, and spat on once.

The kids who once worshipped the ground he walked now turned against him.

It took alot to not turn around and run home, or anywhere but here. His head was spinning from the snide remarks already, and it felt like he might puke.

Thoughts of what would happen when his parents found out were making everything so much harder.

Even after that, entering the office was somehow worse. The front desk lady, who was wearing a lovely striped dress, gave him the most disgusted look as he approached her space.

"Go ahead inside."

When she thought he couldn't hear her, under her breath she dared to say "her poor mother."

the principal didn't know what to do with him. Clearly, he couldn't continue to attend this school but he would be graduating in just six days so was there any point in suspending him?

He sat in the chair while the expensively dressed man pondered his fate. Cedar hills high was a prestigious school. Nothing like this had ever happened, especially not involving mae davis.

"It's difficult to say what will happen here mae," the man finally said, running his ring clad hands back through his hair.

"This is a big hit for our image, and there's no saying who could've been behind it. All we know is that your name is plastered across the front lawn."

Mako had a choice to make here, either he could lie and say it wasn't true and that he was a girl. Or he could admit to it and say that he was transgender and possibly be put into a dangerous situation. At least, that's how his eighteen year old brain saw it at the time.

With a heavy sigh the principal finally comes to a decision, "You can graduate."

Makos eyes widen, did he really just say that?
"W-what do you mean?" At the moment, that's not exactly what he was worried about. Although it probably should've been.

"I mean, it's not worth it at the time to try and make a big deal out of this. We can clean the sign, and no one has to know."

He leans forward and places his clasped hands on the desk. "Of course that means no one will face any consequences for their actions. But... I'm gonna need you to do something for me in exchange."

Present time

Being pulled away from Mako made his heart hurt a little more than he'd like to admit, but Awsten quickly forgot about it when he found out why.


she had been blowing up his phone while he was on stage, and being a good friend, Jawn had been carrying it for him.

Her texts started out innocent, well as innocent as they could be.

But they soon began to become worrisome, she sent several messages detailing what she was going to do to herself if awsten didn't get back with her.

Sober Ciara and drunk Ciara were to different beasts and clearly they were dealing with the latter.

Her threats of harming herself to keep awsten with her had been prevalent during their relationship but when he had finally broken it off, she had stopped. Or so he'd thought.

But here he stood, sweat pouring off his body in the backstage area of some venue in southern california learning that his ex was trying to kill herself again.

Hours flew by as he tried to sort it all out, and after alot of negotiating he had finally gotten her to agree to meet with him. He thanked his lucky stars that they were still in california.

As he walked up to her apartment his heart ached, feet wanting to do anything but bring him closer to the lions den. 

Standing in front of her door waiting to be let in, the memories of other very different times hed stood in this exact spot tormented him.

The night of their first real date he'd walked her home and kissed her here, countless times he'd brought her dinner when she'd been to busy to remember to eat, and of course, the last time he'd stepped through the doorway.

When the door creaked open, he was met by her tear stained face and he forgot everything.

He just needed to comfort his baby.


Waking up on the bus was an unusual feeling, but at least his concussion wasn't as prevalent this time.

He could hear the voices of his bandmates talking quietly nearby, wait what time is it?

When his hands finally found his phone hidden in the grey sheets he turned it on and nearly gasped at the time, 12:14 pm.

With a great urgency he threw the sheets off his legs and pulled the curtain back, eyes closing tightly when  met by the bright sunshine coming through the windows.

"..Guys?" He rubs his eyes and runs his hands through his hair a few time then steps out into the hallway connecting to the common area. Where he finds pj, geoff, and Olivia all sitting around talking. 

He can't help but notice the way Olivia and geoff are sitting just a little too close together.
A smirk grows on his face when he notices.

Their heads all turn to face him, and Olivia immediately scoots just a little bit away from geoff.

"Hey mako" She chirps with a sweet smile.

Mako steps past them and grabs a bowl to make cereal.

"Hey Makkie, nice of you to join us this.." PJ pauses and checks his phone,  "afternoon."

the boy rolls his eyes, pouring froot loops in a styrofoam bowl. "You could've woke me up y'know."

A sudden realization strikes him, "hey geoff, do you know where awsten is?"

"Yeah, he was hanging around the busses last I saw him."

He is already on his way out the door by the time geoff finishes his sentence. He shouts a quick "Thanks!" Before stepping into the sunny weather of salem, oregon.

1111 words

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