# fourteen !

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Y/N twirled around the fluffy carpet of her bedroom as she admired the ruffles of the white dress she decided to wear to the arcade. She paired it up with a dirty pair of sneakers that she thought could add to the aesthetic she was going for. As well as a denim jacket that adds a touch to the dress.

She was dancing to the song Rude by MAGIC! since it was her favorite song back in highschool.

Spinning round and round, her time alone was what she enjoyed the most. No one was around to judge her, no one was around to tell her what to do, and no one was around to even see the weird things she did. She enjoyed everything, until she heard the doorbell ring.

"Fuck!" She squealed as she fell down to the fluffiness of the carpet, hitting her foot at a chair near.

She slowly sat up and rubbed the part that got hit as the doorbell rang even faster, the man doing it was obviously impatient.

Deciding to have enough irritation at the start of the day, she yelled, "Minami, you dumbass! I left the door open, you can go inside yourself!"

"I'm not Harur- What.. are you doing... down there?" The man who annoyed her to death asked quietly but in a mocking tone as he looked down at the girl. It was Kenma, it made sense that he was impatient.

"Well, I was vibing on my own until you suddenly shocked the hell out of me and made me fall!" Y/N scolded the pudding head, making him roll his eyes and point his phone at her.

"I hate to break it down to you, but we said two o'clock in the afternoon, you're thirty minutes late. I've been waiting outside for thirty minutes."

She widened her eyes and looked at the watch at her wrist, it was 2:32 PM. She quickly grabbed the chair for support and stood up, "Then why the hell didn't you call me??? I gave you my number."

Kenma sighed and put on the hood of his jacket, "Check your phone."

Y/N tilted her head as she grabbed her phone, seeing the forty-three missed call notifications at her phone. Realizing it was on silent, she closed her eyes and knitted her eyebrows out of embarrassment

"Okay okay! You win! Now, mind helping me? My leg hurts and it's the least you could do!"

after an hour of nonsense arguments, or it would be easier understood as, Y/N fighting Kenma in the most little things because of the amount of embarrassment she got from him, The two finally got out of the house to go to the arcade.

As they walk towards his car, Y/N went towards the back seat but Kenma prevented her to,

"I'm not your driver, the front seat you go." Y/N rolled her eyes at the statement and went around the car, going inside.

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