'Change My Mind' Chapter 4- "Last Date, First Love"

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Niall planned a date a very expensive date for you! "(Y/N)! ready to go?" he says smiling wide with his arms opening wide. you nod and leave the house. you two take a seat and the food was already set for you two. you two begin to eat. "(Y/N), you look more beautiful everyday!" Niall says holding your hand. you blush and say: "Niall, you look so handsome every moment!" he blushes. "your so beautiful, that pirates think that your the lost treasure they look for! and your also my treasure so let me do this:" he says kneeling and holding a box, he opens the box and there's a ring inside...

Niall: (Y/N)! I Love you! Will You Marry Me?

You: Of Course Niall!! A BILLION TIMES YESS!

He kisses you and hugs you tight, a whole crowd of people starts clapping. "take me home" you say. "Bridal style" niall says carrying to the car. when you arrived home... "Congrats, NIALL and (Y/N)!!" was a huge sign in the living room. everyone was there, no one was missing. everyone knew Nill was going to engage to you including your parents. all the boys group hug you and Niall. "I Love You" Niall says. "I Love you Too!" you answert back. He kisses you passionately for long minutes...

The End.

'Change My Mind' Niall Horan ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now