ushijima x reader (fluff)

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A/N: its 10:30 so... I haven't proof read it yet... so if anyone sees a mistake PLS TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS 

The captain of the volleyball team, yes that is the person I'm in love with. I doubt that he likes me back though... Now I know it might sound crazy since a lot of girls like him. But I think I have a chance. You see, I signed up to be assistant manger for the volleyball team and guess what? I actually got in! I was so surprised I didn't know how to act. 

I didn't know much about volleyball though, I was never a sports person. So I was basically just in charge of cleaning up. I walked into the gym on a Friday afternoon, everyone was already there. I checked my watch thinking that I was late, but I was just in time?

Tendou: HELLO Y/N!!

Taichi: hi y/n!

Ushijima: y/n, hi 

Ushijima was always so formal I don't think I've ever seen him smile. They started practice and I just watched them, and by them I mean Ushijima. Finally practice was over and it was already dark. I packed up my things and started to leave when someone grabbed my shoulder.

"y/n, I'll walk you home. It's dark and dangerous outside." a low toned voice spoke behind you back.

You turn your head and saw ushijima, you nodded your head but on the inside you were jumping up and down. On the way home you guys didn't talk much. You decided to break the silence but ended up saying something stupid instead.

"so... practice was interesting today. You were very ho- I mean good..?" 

 (A/N: I know, I know, make fun of my all you want. This one shot is supposed to be cheesy") 

fuck why did I say that, that's so embarrassing ...

"thank you, I notice that you're a bit nervous? why is that?" he said looking at you

"ahh~ it's nothing" you sigh

You two walk in silence again before he decided to speak. 

"I have wanted to tell you something for a  very long time but I can't seem to say it" he says kinda confused. 

You looked at your feet while ushijima continued to say

 "I have feelings for you, I like you. y/n. I don't know when this feeling started, but then again I'm not great with my feeling. I know telling you this may break our trust and friendship, if we were even friends... but I needed you to know this." he say kind of hesiently 

You were literally speechless, not knowing what to say you stoped walking. You stood there for a few seconds and looked at him. 

"what." you say in an expressionless tone 

he looked at you and cocked an eyebrow up "did you not hear what I sai-"

"no, I heard what you said clearly" you say cutting him off "but why, why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

"I don't know, I thought maybe you would reject me, nobody likes me. Yeah maybe people like me for my volleyball skills but not many people like me for who I truly am. Y/n, I thought maybe you were different, or maybe I'm just stupid. Now I'm rambling on and on, and I kinda hate myself for telling you that now-"

"Oh shut up, Wakatoshi" You cut him off with a slow and passionate kiss. He leans in wanting more, his hands now around your waist. You pulled back a little stoping the kiss, his face inches from yours. You feel his heavy breathing, his eyes wanting more of you. He snaps back into reality a second later, now with a confused face. 

"what was that. Does this mean you like me?" he questions you.

"yes it does, oh man how nervous I get every time I'm around you. Now I can finally let it out. Wait.. does this mean we're, dating?" you say quietly but not quiet enough for him to hear you.

"Only if you want to, love." he said kinda smirking, knowing that this would excite you.

God he is such a tease you thought in your head. The word love send chills down your body.

"Yes, I guess it does mean we're dating." you smile making eye contact with him, god his eyes were so beautiful. 

"mhm, can I... kiss you again? Funny enough that was my first kiss" he chuckles 

first kiss? That didn't seem like his first kiss. You thought to yourself. 

"yeah sure, you don't have to ask me next time you idiot" you laugh to yourself. 

He pulls you in for a long kiss, for a first time he sure knew how to please a girl. 

He finally lets you go and says "its getting dark, lets get you home. I promised your mom to get you home by 8pm" 

"you talk to my mom?" you say while walking forward again.

"well she talks to me, I'm not a stalker y/n. I don't just randomly talk to your mom." he chuckles "though I have learned a few things about you from her, like how you love cats and you have to have your bento with this special sauce, and apparently you have a lego collection?"

"okay that's enough, that's embarrassing" you say laughing.

You guys finally arrive at your house and he gives you one last kiss before saying goodnight.

damn, I still can't wrap my head this, how tf am I his girlfriend? A girl who still owns a lego collection... girlfriend of the caption of the volleyball team. Crazy. You thought to yourself while opening you front door... 

A/n: uhm yeah I had no idea what to write and I haven't updated in like 3 months so I'm sorry. BUT DID U GUYS WANT USHIJIMAS POV OF THIS STORY? I CAN MAKE A PART 2. This story was fun to write, so I hope you enjoyed. Happy holidays guys! 

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