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Grace's P.O.V 

I woke up by the bright light. 

"Wake up, birthday girl" Mommy Ali said. I slept in their room again like i don't want to be alone. "Good morning, sweetie" Mommy Em said. "Good morning moms" I said and smiled. "Get up. We prepared a special breakfast just for the birthday girl" Mommy Em said. "Mom, I'm 18 now and you still treat me like a baby" I said and slightly rolled my eyes. 

"Well, someone is still sleeping with her parents even though she's 18. Acting like a baby" Mommy Ali said. "Okay, fine. You won! I can smell waffles! Oh my!" I said and jumped out of the bed. 

I got stopped by a gold gowns. 3 gold gowns. 

The first one looks like a ball gown. It has gold leaves and white lace. Just perfect for my body shape. The second one is just a simple cami puffy gown that I think I'll use in my 18th roses and the third one is the most stunning gown among the 3. It is an off shoulder gown with a long tale lace at the back. 

"Do you like it?" Mommy Ali asked. "I love it!" I said and run towards them giving them hug. "Thank God you have a Mommy Ali" Mommy Em said. Mommy Ali picked the best thing ever! "Thank you" I said and hugged them again. 

"Breakfast time, princess" Mommy Ali said which made me shock. "Why?" she asked. "This is the first time after 4 years you called me princess again" I said. "Ohh, come here" Mommy Ali said and hugged me. "I want to join" Mommy Em said and joined us. 

We all ate waffles. Talking, laughing and crying. 

"I can't believe our baby girl is now 18" Mommy Em said. "I hope you'll still sleep with us" Mommy Ali said. "I'll still sleep with the both of you until my last day in this world" I said and smiled at them. "Such a cutie" Mommy Em said. "I hope you will still kiss us in the lips before leaving and when you arrived" Mommy Em added. 

When Lily and I are still a young ladies, we used to kiss our mommies good byes in the lips and when we arrived in the house we will kiss them in their lips again. When Lily was gone, I was the only one left to do that to mommy Emily. 

"Of course. I'll still kiss you because I get used to it" I said and laugh a bit. "How did you start kissing us in the lips again?" Mommy Ali asked. "Because we saw mommy Em kissing your lips before going to work so we did it as well" I replied. "Oh yeah. Wait, I'll have to remind you something" Mommy Ali said. 

"What?" I asked. "Even though you're now in your legality. I don't want you to abuse it that much okay? Don't kiss anyone! Don't date assholes" Mommy Ali said. "Please, enjoy your life but in a right way" Mommy Em said. 

"Moms, you don't have to worry. Even though I'm 18 now, I still hates alcohols. I don't want to have boyfriends, I have my own priorities" I said and they both smiled at me. "Now i know why I really shouldn't worry" Mommy Ali said. 

"You need to get ready, sweetie. Let's go" Mommy Ali said. "I'll just pick up something" Mommy Em said. "Okay, bye mom" I said and kissed her. "Bye, Em" Mommy Ali said and she kissed mom as well. "Bye ladies. See you later" Mommy Em said. 


Emily's P.O.V 

"Em!" I heard Aria called me. "Aria! God, i missed you" I said and hugged her. "Did you miss me as well?" Hanna asked. "Of course. Where's the boys?" I asked. "They're with Lily and Aidan" Spencer said. "Can we visit Ali an Grace? I have something to give Grace" Hanna said. "Sure, let's go." I said and we all went to the house. 

"Guess who I picked up" I said entering the house. Ali and Grace are in the living room. "Aunts!" Grace shouted and run towards them. She hugged Aria first. 

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