The Warehouse

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It's during the London riots and you take refuge in a small disused warehouse, as you were caught in the upsurge of violence accidentally. Outside, the streets are filled with rioters carrying deadly weapons, looting, and attacking anyone they see. You feel safe, but for some reason your attention keeps being drawn to that old dark fireplace on the back wall. 

Just as you begin to breathe a sigh of relief, several rioters commence battering on the door you came through. It's wedged shut with an old broom handle you found when you entered, but it won't hold for long.

You rush over to the only way out - a window which sits next to the fireplace leading onto an alleyway - in hope of making an exit before the rioters enter. Those hopes are dashed however, when you see several gang members attacking a passer by in the lane outside.

Nearby explosions and screams fill the air as the door finally cracks and heaves under the violent stress of the rioters' efforts to gain entry. 

Just before the door admits defeat, you hear a soft, enchanting voice from nearby. It is coming from the fireplace and simply says: 

'Hide in here, they'll never find you'. 

You're not sure, as the mouth of the hearth is covered in darkness and soot, but for a moment you think that you see a glimpse of two red dots, like eyes.

The door finally surrenders. You have seconds to spare before being seen. Do you hide in the fireplace, or attempt to sneak past the thugs outside? 

Or perhaps you have another idea...

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