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peter's pov

it was morning as always. the alarm went of like it would explode any second. there was a public bathroom in which i showered everyday before school. I managed to do everything as it was with May. i still had the letter. 

time skip in school brought to you by oxygen

well as usual MJ and Ned were waiting for me. " sup loser". MJ said waving her hand. "nothin much well yes there is something". i said. " well i expect you to speak Parker". " stop calling me like that MJ. anyway I applied for SI Internship." i said getting all excited "and........" MJ asked hinting me to continue. " well i do not know actually we have to wait. sorry for exciting you guys". "well you better be" MJ said jokingly

we head to our separate ways 

i had maths so i head to the way i am supposed to go. i took the books out of my locker and rushed to my class. well, my spidey sense tingled to move but i did not. but then it stopped. I saw our math teacher walking in. and flash ran to his seat. 

a few moments later the school made an announcement through the speakers. " peter parker you have been selected to be the lucky intern working with tony Stark. Mr. Stark will send you an email. you will be working with Mr. Stark in his personal lab and your work starts today at 5:30 pm,Thank you." i was shook. all eyes were on me. I saw an angry Flash staring at me but i ignored it. i felt proud of myself.

time skip brought to you by toxic oxide 

there was one more hour left. so i decided to visit my family. well yes Flash had his good time with me. now i guess i broke my ribs but who cares. i had a few bruises on my face. i swung my way to their grave well of Course i changed into peter parker. I sat down there i did not know what to do. I wanted to text my virtual family, but i couldn't. there was just something in me that made me week. i took that paper and started to cry. my eyes were red and puffy from crying. (A/N in this he has blueish green eyes). I talked with them i saw MJ laying flowers at May's grave. i started to cry even harder when i felt a hug well i did hug her back. She took my hand at told me it was okay rubbing circles around my back. Well that felt good when she took my hands. "thanks". i said looking down at my shoes to hide my red cheeks. well i hated that i blush every single time so i did not want to show that to her.

that's when miss spy called

miss spy:  привет, паук, ты это сделал? как это было легко, сложно?

peter: привет, мама, паук, да, я сделал это, и я так взволнован. Это было действительно легко, я закончил тест примерно за 30 минут

miss spy:вау паучок, я так горжусь тобой. когда ты начнешь

peter: черт возьми, мне пора. У меня есть еще 10 минут

miss spy: тогда тебе лучше поторопиться. пока паук


i end the call and MJ was staring at me " you know Russian"? MJ asked confused . "well I am half Russian. May said my mom was."

"don't be late loser. BYE" she waved and i returned it and started running

TIME SKIP+time skip = TiMe sKiP  ( at the SI)

i enter the building and god you have to see it. Its soo big and wonderful. i walked in and there was this one lady that asked " Hi honey are you lost? what's your name"? she was really sweet and young. " Umm yes and no because i have an Internship and yes I am lost because i dn't know how this works and I am Peter Parker". i smiled. she chuckled and said "peter parker peter parker peter parker..... ah there it is. this is you badge and you will be working with Mr. Stark in this personal Lab. the AI F.R.I.D.A.Y will take you to anywhere you want and the elevators do not have buttons so just ask friday" she said pointing the directions and giving me my badge. I waved a quick goodbye and then headed to the elevator. I sang some songs along my way until The Bruce banner walked in

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