peter Barnes Romanoff?

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Nat's pov

After the song and sad moments one week has passed. me and Bucky were not happy to hide this piece of information who the real owner to know which is our son peter. we remembered the days in which i wanted to name him pytor while James wanted to name him peter and then came up with a peter because pytor was too similar to his sibling Pietro. 

It was currently 8 in the morning and peter did no have school. Living with him made me realize that he is not a morning person and is half unconscious so he blurts out the truth in his half-sleepy-not feeling-so-great-about-anything voice. 

i heard a quick thud and an ouch from peter's room which was very clear that he fell down. he came out covered in a blanket ready to curse anything on his way and speak russian all the time

"morning mum, morning dad" he said in his special morning voice (as described above). he always said the truth in the morning but except one. he never told it even if we tried to talk to him in his sleep. anyways me and James were soo happy and excited as he called us mom and dad which meant he saw us like real parents. and the mama spider thing is what i force him to call me. of course we greeted him back with a morning with a drop of tear in his eyes.

"go shower spider-boy" i said ruffling his head and saw a wide eyed peter was staring zoning out and panicking. " relax spider-boy you are safe here its alright you are alright okay?". he nodded and a few seconds later he asked "how did you know"? he said with fear 

"know what"? then it strike me. this boy my baby was Spider-Man. I couldn't be more proud of my baby.  

"wait what? no way I'm so proud of you my baby spider". i say. an expression of confusion and happiness was plastered on his face ans said "you're not mad"? he says

"why should we be? My baby is Spider-Man and that's the most proudful we ever can be". i say pulling him to a hug

"now peter umm.... we have something we have to say to you. so umm... listen carefully and follow Nat's instruction." James said

peter's pov

so this was a point in which i was curious scared and terrified. that as the same thing the HYDRA told me first. I was expecting them to remove their mask and go back to that vigorous form which was the first day that the torture began. i remembered those times which they made me eat with my mouth and my hand was tied back. i remembered the dirty cell and the day that i met skip. The color must've drained out of my face and a soothing voice started sing 

<you're okay my spider. we can get away from bad memories. it's okay darling it's yes now listen to me we can fix it>( i did not want to right Russian so role with it)

< thanks> 

"okay peter so now do you have your bracelet with you"? she asks

"wha- how did you know about it? but aunt may said it was from my mom" i said being a bit sad

"well now i want you to press those letters written pbr and open set the passcode as 2001" she said an i followed the instruction. "now double tap in the white line" i said as a small family picture was forming. It was a very familiar face with three other familiar face and then it was a baby me in the lady's arms. 

I investigated the picture again and found out that it a family picture of me , 3 year old wanda and pietro in bucky's arm and i was in nat's. i connected the dots and looked at both of them. their eyes were filled with guilt. 

"May was my sister. she was soo wonderful and took care of you until last year. she was purposefully killed by one of hydra agents to come and look for you but you were nowhere to be found." nat explained

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