Here We Go Again

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Everyone knew something had to be done about John. He was hardly ever around and the dwindling friendship between him and Paul was getting quite worrying. With Christmas just round the corner, they knew they had to do something before the Christmas Show.

The group had many ideas for new songs and they were good. However, something was missing and they all knew that the problem was the lack of input from John. Something just had to be done but what.

Ringo: What are we going to do then lads?

George and Paul just looked at each other before turning to Ringo.

George: Well obviously John is the real issue here. He should just sort himself out and come in.

Ringo: I see your point.

Paul: I think he should just quit sulking and get on with things.

Ringo and George looked at Paul with shock. It was very rare to hear Paul say anything against John.

Ringo: Why don't we just go visit him and sort something out.

George: Well I don't mind as long as I'm back in time for tea.

Paul: I don't see why we can't. We are entitled to see how we can help out a friend. 

The three them packed their stuff away and headed out to see John. They were hoping for it to be  a calm and peaceful walk. However, being the famous people that they are, they had to run all the way. Once they made it to John's, they noticed that most of the curtains are shut. Something was definitely up. 

"Seems strange doesn't it"

Stunned, they turned around to see Cynthia. They were that distracted that they didn't notice her the first time. 

George: Aren't you going to go in?

Cynthia: Why should I?

Ringo: Well it is your home.

Cynthia: I moved out with Julian a few days ago. John was just getting unbearable to live with.

At this point, Paul thought that he was in the wrong. All of this was his fault. Whilst he was lost in his thoughts, the others had decided to go and have some tea somewhere.

Ringo: You coming Paul?

Paul: Oh! Erm. I have to go and do something but I'll see you tomorrow in the studio.

George: Alright, suit yourself.

They waved and went off on their way. Paul waited until they had turned the corner before going through the gate and strolling up to John's door. He hesitated before knocking. It was a while before John opened the door. 

Paul was shocked. He couldn't believe how dishevelled John looked.

Paul: Can I come in or are we not that alright yet?

John: You can come inside as long as you decide to actually talk.

And with that Paul made it through to the living room. The pair of them talked and talked for what must have been an hour or more. By the end of it, they both apologised for what had happened. 

Paul: I'm sorry that I didn't say anything. I guess I was just in denial about everything that's going on yknow.

John: I should've realised that before storming off. But Paul, you know what.

Paul: What?

John sat in silence and looked at Paul with a certain shine in his eyes. To him and Paul, it seemed as though the world had stopped. Before they knew it, they were leaning in and they kissed. Softly, but with a ton of passion.

What does this mean for them?


A/N: Hello, horrifically sorry for such a long wait for an update. I started College in September so things have been a bit hectic, however hopefully I'll be able to update this more often. See you next time!

- El 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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