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I spent my day tidying and cleaning my room after it being a mess from when Iago last came over... but we won't talk about that. It took me three hours to tidy it and two hours to deep clean it. Once I had finished I cleaned and tidied myself up so I could look half presentable for Mia. An hour later once I had finished in the shower I decided to let my hair air dry, I completed my skincare routine and put some sweats on - grey joggers and a white sweatshirt. I didn't want to look like I was making too much of an effort especially as it's only pizza night and then sleep. I text Mia telling her to come down and no longer than six minutes later she was knocking on my door, "Come in!" I shout. Mia walked into my apartment and waited for me to come out of the kitchen - I was pouring us drinks. I put the Pepsi bottle down and ran to Mia, I jumped in her arms and we collapsed on the floor - "Ugh I've missed you so much!!" I say while looking into Mia's eyes - she laughed and hugged me so tight. We got up off the floor and sat on my bed, I pulled my phone out and ordered us pizzas, I ordered myself a Pineapple Pizza and a Plain Cheese Pizza for Mia. We both spoke and I apologised.

"Mia, I really am sorry for not staying in touch after I started dating Iago. I shouldn't have stopped messaging you and I know that apologising won't make up for not making much effort to see you but I hope we can get closer again." I looked into Mia's eyes when I said that, I was being sincere, I needed her to know how sorry I was.

Looking into my eyes, I caught Mia smiling at me, she was going red.

She looked at me and said, "I know, silly, you don't need to apologise. I eventually stopped messaging you too. Friendship is between two people, if both continued making effort will keep it going, if both start lacking the effort then it'll put the friendship on hold. I'm just glad we're hanging out again. We can make up for the three months we've missed."

I felt myself getting hotter and I started blushing, I looked deeper into Mia's eyes - there's something about her that makes my stomach flip and turn like a washing machine but it doesn't make any sense because I feel like this with Iago too. Mia gazed into mine some more and I stared into hers more too. Mia started to lean in, I lean in as well - Maddy what are you doing?? I ask myself but I couldn't hold myself back.

*KNOCK KNOCK* the door was banging, we were interrupted. Mia shoots back and I lift myself off my bed, I walk over to the door and take a deep breath before I open it. "Hey, thank you so much! Have a nice evening" I say as I take the pizza and hand over the cash. I told him to keep the spare change. I walked back in and offered to refill Mia's glass, she looked up at me and nodded - passing me the glass our hands touched, I flinched back and dropped the glass. Butterflies in my stomach were flapping their wings, causing me to feel weak - the little touches made me go crazy, but why? What is going on with me? I look away from Mia as she crawls to the edge of the bed, she holds my hand and says, "Is everything okay?" I look at her and excuse myself to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and cupped some water from the tap to throw at my face, I need to relax. I come out of the bathroom and see Mia on the floor picking up the big parts of broken glass, I walk over with a dustpan and brush. Mia was picking up the big shards of glass but she then winced and squealed, "Ouch!" I look down to Mia's hand and see blood pouring out of the tip of her finger, I pick her up off the floor and take her to the sink in the kitchen, "You're so stupid, I could've got that." I turned the cold tap on to rinse the blood off her finger and she flinched, her face scrunched up in pain - her natural reaction was to dig her head into my shoulder - her pain tolerance is awful ahaha.

Once the blood was gone I went to my first aid box and grabbed a plaster. I tried to be as delicate as possible when putting the plaster on but she kept wincing and moaning so I had to put it on quickly. I gave her finger a kiss and said, "Let me quickly clean the rest up so stay here, I don't want you cutting something else ahaha, then I'll grab you a drink and we can finally eat." Mia nodded and waited for me to finish tidying everything.

I had poured her drink and we started eating the pizza, my god it tasted delicious, the pineapple really adds an exquisite flavour, ugh *chefs kiss*. Mia had only eaten four slices, she mustn't have been that hungry. I ate all of mine so fast it was like one minute there were eight slices, then there were none the next. We were talking about shows and movies that made out childhood elite and we actually had a pretty similar taste as children. I used to watch Teletubbies, Victorious and the Simpsons; Mia used to watch the Simpsons and Victorious. For movies I was obsessed with The Goonies, I still am, Aliens in the Attic and a movie called IT - I love horrors and Mia does too! Mia was obsessed with IT, Insidious and the Final Destination movies. We talked some more about horrors and how we find them to not be as scary as they used to be, they don't make me jump anymore, I can predict when something is coming but then again, that could be because I have watched so many now.

I collected our pizza boxes and put them in the bin. Opening the freezer, I try to find us a Ben and Jerries ice cream to share as it's THE best ice cream ever! I walked back over to the bed with both spoons and the tub of ice cream. I jump onto my bed and position myself comfortably. I passed Mia her spoon and she looked happy, really happy in fact. "Mmmm this ice cream is really good," I say as I licked my lips to get the leftover ice cream off from around my mouth. Mia glanced at me and started chuckling at me. "And what are you laughing at you cheeky git?" I ask whilst nervously laughing back.

Mia stared into my eyes and said, "Erm, you missed a bit aha." I licked the corners of my mouth again and Mia started laughing even more so than before. "No, it's right..." Mia moved closer to me, and licked her thumb, she rubbed the bottom right corner of my lip and said, "... there, there we go ahah..." It went silent and Mia went to scooch away but I pulled her back, I sat on top of her, straddling her waist and I pulled her face close, WHAT AM I DOING??? I'm with Iago. I kept telling myself that but Mia makes me feel something I don't feel with Iago. I needed to stop but I couldn't. Our lips touched and we smiled into it. She pulled away and said, "Maddy this is wrong, you're with Iago." I pulled away too and said, "Not right now I'm not." Mia looked nervous almost like she didn't want to do this and I did too but the tension was building up more and more. We smiled back into the kiss and continued making out for a while.

When the anime episode finished I departed myself and headed towards the bathroom to breathe. I went to the toilet and messaged Iago, 'Hey babe, we need to talk...' I walked back to my bed and climbed in, a sudden amount of guilt filled my body with a mix of dread too. Mia asked if I was alright, I said, "Aha yeah just really tired. I'll put one more anime episode on and I'll probably drift off." I lied... I wasn't tired at all. It turned out to be Mia falling asleep first, I used that to my advantage. I pulled my phone and saw a reply back from Iago, 'Hey Bubba, what's up?' he asked, I looked at my phone for a while and thought about how and where I could start.

'I think I'm bisexual. I have been bi-curious for a while now and I put it to the test. I know it was wrong because we are together but it was like I lost control of myself, I'm with Mia right now and she made me feel things I've never felt before. I feel some sort of connection with her. It's hard to explain. Things with her feel right but wrong too. She and I kissed tonight. I'm so sorry. If you want to break up with me, that's understandable.' I send that to him and wait patiently for a response. It's midnight now and I saw the read receipt that popped up at 11:45 pm, he must be taking a while to process it.

I couldn't sleep that night. I needed to know what he had to say to me. I needed to know where our relationship stands. I finally got a message. He says, Maddy, I'm not mad at you. I kiss the homies sometimes. I don't care what your sexuality is - I want you to be happy. If you feel happier with Mia then I'm okay with that. Thank you for being honest with me. I was waiting for you two to kiss eventually so I knew it was coming and I'm glad it's happened because you now know what you like - boys and girls.'

I looked at my phone in shock that he had actually said that he 'kisses the homies' and I'm shocked that he supports what Mia and I did. I felt really relaxed so I let myself drift off but as I did I heard Mia wake up, "Who are you talking to?"

I look at her and say, "Oh, it was just Iago, he was checking in on me." Mia looked guilty, she turned over and let her head fall to the pillow again. I shuffled over to her and started spooning her. Our fingers interlocked and even though she was falling asleep her touch still made me feel safe and feel like I belonged. "Did you tell him what we did?" Mia asked, I knew that she was feeling guilty. I showed her the messages and she looked shocked, "What? Aha, how is he so fine with it? I'm proud of you by-the-way bubba; takes a lot to come out." I turned over and shut my eyes.

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