Chapter 22

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I had arrived back in the country and I unpacked my suitcase and cleaned my clothes. I then packed my backpack with fresh clothes and threw them in the boot of my car. I set up my GPS and began to drive to mum and dads. I was excited to have a hug from mum again, I miss her touch. I have a long drive again so I decided to stick on some cheery music as my mood wasn't the best: tired and heartbroken is never a good combination. I started to play a song called, Three Little Birds by Bob Marley - I was alone you see, so hearing 'Don't worry, about a thing because every little thing is going to be alright' was a nice method of reassurance.

A couple of hours had passed and I arrived home, it was nice to finally be in comfort again. I opened the door and saw mum in the kitchen, I dropped my bag and ran into her arms. Floods of tears left my body and I completely melted. Mum's soft hand placement on my back and on the top of my head stroking my hair backwards had already brought me comfort and safety. Malia came running downstairs and mum passed me onto Malia. Mum started making me a Lemsip drink and poured me a glass of water. Malia and I headed to the living room whilst I waited for my drinks, Corey came downstairs, saw the uproar of emotion spilling out of me and ran upstairs.

Mum came in with my drinks and a box of tissues, Malia sat to my right and mum now sat to my left. I took my time explaining what had been going on and how difficult things have been. I started from the start: from first meeting Iago, to first meeting Mia, to kissing Iago and dating him, to kissing Mia and feeling something between Mia and I, to staying with Iago but coming home for Christmas with Mia, to Iago being off with me over Christmas to us on holiday and then to finally finding out what he had been doing behind my back. We were talking for hours upon hours. It had gone midnight by the time I had finished talking.

As I was telling them everything I realised that even though it hurt my heart, this was healthy and that I really needed this. Mum and Malia were so helpful and made sure I felt comfortable before telling them everything. Mum reassured me that I am beautiful, I am loved, I am strong and I didn't deserve him. Malia, on the other hand, was ready to shoot Iago. I asked mum if I could stay here for a while just so I can get back on my feet again before I return to Uni, she said "Is that even a question? Of course you can. Stay as long as you need. We've missed having you around. Now, go and rest your eyes - they look tired." She really is the best.

I wake up the next day with no recollection of anything that happened yesterday, it's all a little blurry. I head downstairs to get some breakfast and as I check my phone I receive a notification from Mia, I didn't want to open it, I have too much going on, but I opened it anyway:

'Hey, I know I've been distant but I heard about what happened between you and Iago. Is everything okay?'

How does she know what's happened between Iago and me? I went onto my Instagram and my whole feed was full of information about Iago and I's break up... This is odd because we haven't officially said we've broken up, not like it is anyone's business anyway. I check Iago's profile and he hasn't said anything, photos of us two are still up. I dig deeper into the web and read articles and apparently, he's given statements and filled 'TeenDramaTV' in on everything but how? I pushed my phone to one side and I didn't touch it again for the rest of the day. I jumped onto the sofa and watched some TV. I needed to catch up on some previous episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashian's I started watching it last year and I still haven't finished it yet.

Soon after I had watched a few episodes, I must've fallen asleep because when I next opened my eyes dad was home from his night shift and Corey was jumping up and down trying to wake me. "Oh hey, little man, I've missed you," I say,

"I haven't missed you ahaha," He says, trying to be the cheeky chappy he is,

"Come here," I say, indicating a hug,

He jumped onto the sofa and hugged me tight, "Woahhh you're going to squeeze me to death if you squeeze me any harder."

Corey didn't let go of me, he whispered in my ear, "I love you Maddy" I looked at the little man and said, "Well I don't love you ahahah" Mocking his behaviour from earlier. He looked me in the eyes and laughed at me. We wrestled for a bit until dad came down, we stopped because dad's not a fan of 'scrapping' in the house but he joined in... he must be in a good mood. He flipped Corey and me over his shoulders and said "HaHaHaaaa, I guess this is me claiming the wrestling belt then?" Corey and I looked at each other whilst hanging upside down, in shock dad actually joined so we just started laughing. Mum walked downstairs and said, "What's all this noi- Oh my God guys! Somebody is going to get hurt!" Dad froze like a statue and so did we; mum and Malia, who soon came down after mum, started laughing at us.

I heard the doorbell go, I looked at the time and it was only eight-thirty in the morning - the postman never comes this early. I walked over to the door to collect our parcel, I opened the door and it wasn't the postman. It was Mia, what does she want?

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