-Mixed Feelings- pt.1

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2D just got back home and Murdoc was in a bad mood. 2d tried to calm down Murdoc but Murdoc just through a lap at 2d, That caused a massive bruise on 2d's cheek. "Hey! Why did you do that!?" 2d shouted, "Because I wanted to Faceache!" 2d tackled Murdoc to the ground and started punching Murdoc till Murdoc's nose started bleeding. Murdoc pushed 2d and got on top of him then started punching 2d like he punched him. Murdoc gave 2d a black eye. 2D kicked Murdoc off of him and started covering his eye. "Stop Doing This!" 2d yelled. Murdoc walked off mad. 2d layed on the floor and slowly fell asleep.

2d woke up and walked to his room, 2d sat on his bed and thought about the fight that happened earlier. Murdoc walked into 2d's room and sat beside 2d all drunk. "Are you drunk right now?" 2d said. "Nope-" Murdoc said drunkly, Murdoc layed 2d down and Murdoc sat on top of him. "M-mudz.. w-what are you doing?.." "Nothing stu- just calm down." Murdoc kissed 2d slowly and 2d pushed Murdoc away "S-stop" 2d said in a quiet voice.
(2d's mind) "Mudz said nothing when I told him to stop- he just layed beside me and feel asleep. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel because we always get into fights but we always seem to kiss these random times.."
(Murdoc's mind) "I need to tell Stu about how I feel. So the fighting can stop. I just want him to know that I will be there to protect him but instead I'm just scaring him, I really want the fighting to stop"
2d fell asleep with Murdoc next to him, 2d kinda blushed while trying to forget what almost happened 5 minutes ago.

Murdoc woke up and was confused about why he was sleeping next to 2d. Murdoc got off his bed and walked out of the room. 2d started to wake up, he stood up and walked to the kitchen when Murdoc was at. 2d walked to the counter and tried to find something to eat. Murdoc walked to 2d and Murdoc stood behind 2d. 2d blushed and turned around to look at Murdoc. Murdoc put his hands on the counter and leaned to kiss 2d. 2d put his hands on murdoc's shoulders and leaned down to kiss Murdoc. Murdoc blushed a bit then Murdoc put his tongue in 2d's mouth.
"M-mudz, w-what if n-noodle sees us?.." 2d whispered "Let's go to your room~" said Murdoc is a flirtatious voice.

(Smut warning)

Murdoc and 2d walked to the room, they closed and locked the door so no one can see them doing it- Murdoc pushed 2d to the bed and takes off his shirt. 2d looks at Murdoc and blushes alot. "Your a bit red stu~" Murdoc said while walking to 2d. Murdoc slowly took off 2d's shirt, "m-mudz..Are you sure about this.."
"We can stop if you want" Murdoc said. 2d blushed alot, he thought about it for a moment and decided he wanted to continue.
2d unbuckled murdoc's belt. Murdoc looked at 2d and blushed a little bit. "So you really wanna do this~" Murdoc said "w-well y-ea" 2d said while blushing and turning red. Murdoc took off 2d's pants and underwear revealing 2ds d*ck. 2d took off Murdoc's pants and underwear. 2d kissed Murdoc deeply and Murdoc kissed 2d back. Murdoc slowly put his d*ck inside of 2d, 2d moaned loudly, Murdoc proceeds to go in and out slowly. 2d bites his bottom lip while Murdoc goes a bit fast. "M-mudz~ Y-you are so good at t-this!~" "I-I know~" Murdoc said to 2d. Murdoc keeps going faster and faster till he cums inside of 2d. "Ahhh~!" 2d moaned. "Mmm~ wasn't that fun stu?~" Murdoc said in a sexual voice. "M-mhm! I-it was fun" 2d said. 2d lays down and thinking about what just happened. Murdoc sits on the bed with his back to the wall " Hey 2d~ wanna do this one more time~" 2d nodded and proceeds to get on top of Murdoc. Murdoc puts is hands on 2ds hips and slowly pushed him down. "Mmmmm" Murdoc moaned. "Ahh~ m-mudz!" 2d said Murdoc kissed 2d deeply and 2d kissed him back. "Hold on tightly" said Murdoc "h-hu-" Murdoc holds 2d down and goes in and out really fast into 2d's as*hole. "A-ahhh~" 2d moaned. Murdoc cums deeply in 2d. "Mmm~" Murdoc moaned. "Did you like that Stu?~"
Murdoc licks 2ds neck. "Y-yes~" 2d said.

Murdoc layed down beside 2d and thinking alot about 2d. Murdoc fell asleep and 2ds hugged Murdoc while trying to sleep but can't cuz 2d doesn't know how to feel.

(2d's mind) I love you Mudz, so much and I don't know how to tell you, I hope we don't fight,..

"I love you Murdoc." 2d said while hugging him. Murdoc slowly woke up. "Huh? What did you say Stu? Murdoc said confused. "Nothing- I said nothing Mudz. Just try and sleep." 2d said.

(Murdoc's mind) I knew what you said stu- I ain't stupid. I love you too...

(Confused Love) -2d x Murdoc- -2d x Ace- Where stories live. Discover now