In love with ace and Murdoc?. pt.2

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2d just woke up and Murdoc was asleep. He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. Russel walked in and said "did you have a girl over or something?" "No?- why?" 2d said in a confused voice "well I kept hearing moaning in your room-" Russel said. 2d didn't say anything, "oh well you can tell me if you have a girlfriend" "I don't have a girlfriend! Nothing happened last night" 2d said. "Oh well I must be hearing things-" Russel slowly walked to 2d's room without 2d knowing.
         Russel peeked through 2ds room and saw Murdoc sleeping with no clothes. "Uhhh..." Russel said in shock. 2d sat at the table and ate some toast and thinking about what happened last night with him and Murdoc
      (2d's mind) I need to tell Mudz how I feel- I need to tell him that I love him. I'll tell him when he wakes up.
       2d finished eating and he saw Murdoc walking by. "Hey mu-" Murdoc ignored 2d and he walked outside and drove off. "Oh- uhh- he will be back" 2d said.
        Russel had the courage to talk to 2d about what he saw in the room. "Hey 2d?" Russel said seriously. "Yea? What is it Russel?" "I saw Murdoc in your bed after you told me you didn't have a girlfriend or nothing was going on last night-" Russel said scared "WHAT!? UHHHHH" 2d had nothing to say.
          (2ds mind) Russel looks so disgusted at me what should I say to him-.
"I'm sorry Russel, me and Murdoc did the thing- please don't hate me-" 2d said in a nervous voice. "Hmm" Russel said and proceeding to walk away.
                           (3 weeks later)
2d and Russel were watching tv and the news came on. The news said ", Murdoc is sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment in Tijuana, Mexico for giving counterfeit checks to prostitutes" 2d is shocked for what he just heard on tv.
           Days later they had to find a new bassist. How many additions later they found this guy named ace. The band brought ace back to the house and told him where his room can be.
            2d is pretty upset because he loved  Murdoc. Russel noticed that 2d wasn't happy. "Hey 2d" said Ace "oh hey ace.." said 2d. Ace Hugs 2d tightly and 2d blushes a bit. 2d hugs ace back. "Thanks ace. I kinda want to be alone for now" 2d said in a sad quite voice "oh well im not going to stop bothering you" ace said while crossing his arms, 2d sighed then  said "fine" they walked to 2d's room and closed the door. 2d sat on the bed and ace sat on the floor.
           2d looks at ace and asks "why do you wanna talk to me?" "Because I wanna get to know you" ace said while smiling. 2d looked away and asked "get to know Russel-" ace said "No, I wanna get to know you" 2d blushes a little bit.
          They talked for 7 hours and they laughed alot.
         (2d's mind) I can't catch feelings that fast- he is just so funny and he's his to talk to- what am I supposed to do.. Murdoc is in jail for 30 years- ugh what.. I love Murdoc..
          (Ace's mind) I really like 2d. The day I met him was yesterday. I wanna get to know him more. He's just to sweet. I want him..
             2d looked at ace and blushed a little. "Are you ok?" Ace asked, "Yea! I'm fine!" 2d said embarrassingly. Ace stood up and sat beside 2d. 2d blushed a lot and asked "what are you doing ace?" Ace holds 2ds hand and says "promise me you will never stop talking to me... Please?" 2d looked at ace and ace looked at 2d " I promise" 2d said while smiling.
       Ace huged 2d tightly, after that they did everything together. They both liked eachother so much. After 3 months as past ace loved 2d so much. 2d still thought about Murdoc and missed him but 2d kinda loves Ace now. 2d is pretty confused.
        "Hey 2d" ace said while blushing "oh hey Ace, what are you doing?" 2d asked ace. "I wanted to ask you something~" ace said. "2d blushes and said "what is it?"

(Smut warning)

Ace pins 2d to the bed and 2d blushes. "W-what are yo-" 2d says till ace kisses 2d deeply.

Haha you gotta wait till part 3 >:D

(Confused Love) -2d x Murdoc- -2d x Ace- Where stories live. Discover now