Blood For Belladonna

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Myles (No Wattpad account):
The prince was next in line to the throne after his older brother's death, but his younger sister discovers something horrible, he killed his older brother to become the ruler of the kingdom.

‼TW!!: Blood, Mentions of Murder, Death


The halls in the castle were dark and gloomy before the upcoming funeral. The king's oldest son, Joseph had passed in his sleep. The queen was never seen outside of her quarters due to the grief of her son's death. She had lost her husband not months before the incident so she was distraught.

The middle son and the youngest daughter grew apart over the loss of their brother and over the last few years, barely spoke a word to each other. Their mother had gone due to stress so now they were the only two left of the McCullough bloodline.

Farlan and Miriam had a fight that night after the funeral and since then, the glares had only gotten more severe. Miriam had complete and utter trust in her gut so she followed it's intuition.

She didn't trust her brother.


Today was her mother's birthday, so she had gathered a bouquet of red and white roses from the garden, Taking them to her mother's room. She walked inside the room, removing the old and wilted purple flowers from the vase and replacing them.

She then looked around the room, taking in the feeling of her mother. The aura alone was enough to bring tears to her eyes. She then noticed an open notebook and spilled ink bottle on her desk.

She walked over to the desk, slowly peering over the dusted pages. She placed the ink canister upright and picked up the notebook. The ink had since long been dried as she ran her hand across the pages, the dust falling to the floor slowly.

She read through the pages of the journal, words from the pages forming visuals. There were entries starting from four years ago to the day before she died. The last entry, however, was different from the rest.

The words were hastily written, barely legible as Miriam wiped the page once more, attempting to read it. It was difficult, however, seeing as small splotches of ink littered the areas around the three words in the middle of the page. But she could read them.

'He did it'

"Who did what?" She thought aloud as she flipped the page back an forth, seeing no more words on the pages. The fear on the page was evident, showing her that she was scared of whoever did this 'thing' She flipped through the rest of the empty pages, hoping to find some sort of meaning to the three words but alas, no luck.

She then heard footsteps walking down the hallway, heavy and swift. Stuffing the notebook into her satchel, she picked the wilted roses off the desk. She exited the room, bumping into none other than her brother, Farlan. "What're you doing in mother's quarters? You have no business here."

She gestured to the wilted flowers in her hand. "I was replacing mother's flowers. It's her birthday, not that you would care to remember." He rolled his eyes at his sister's empathy. "I wouldn't waste my time with something so unnecessary. She's not even here. That gift does nothing for her."

This time, It was Miriam that roller her eyes. The two passed, staring sharp daggers at each other. Once she turned the corner, she bolted towards her room. "Why was he in mother's quarters? He's never needed to go there." She looked down at her satchel. "And why was my mother scared?"

She hated the feeling of not knowing. It ate her up inside, slowly gnawing on her curiosity. She wished there was someway to find answers because, man, did she have questions.


Her first thought when it came to finding things out about her mother was to go to the library. She found nothing, however. Hours of searching through books and papers. She then headed to her mother's garden. Again, nothing. But she did notice that some of her belladonna was missing.

She then made her way towards her mother's study. There, she did find something. Her books weren't how she usually left them. Her mother kept her books in alphabetical order. But there was a book titled 'Nightshade' in the 'M' section.

What she noticed was even worse. The book right next to 'Nightshade' was titled 'Murder Mysteries'. It clicked in her head. The missing Belladonna, the book about the poisonous Nightshade (made from Belladonna), and the Murder Mysteries book?

The only thing she had to do was make sure. She ran back to the garden, taking a single Belladonna flower. She ran towards her room, comparing the freshly picked Belladonna with her mother's flowers.

She felt a tear run down her face but she couldn't stop yet. This time, she ran to her oldest brother's quarters. She barged into the bedroom, examining the bedside table. She searched until she found what she was looking for.

There, on the floor, sat a single Belladonna flower, identical to the one in her hand. Someone had poisoned her brother and her mother. But who? She thought back to her mother's journal. 'He? Who could he be?'

"What are you doing in here?" She heard the voice and it clicked. He. Farlan. She stood up swiftly, pure anger in her eyes. "What have you done." Farlan's eyes widened, furious. "You nosy little- You shouldn't mess with things that you don't understand!"

"Oh, I understand. You killed mom and Joseph for what? A crown? And the missing Belladonna? You were going to kill me too, weren't you? To keep me from exposing your little secret? You're sick, and you'll never get away with this."

"Oh, darling, I already have. The breakfast you had two hours ago? I didn't put much in it so it'll take longer but oh, is it effective." She just smiled, hiding her hands from sight. She proceeded to separate the root from the plant. "I don't care how I do it, I will expose your secret. Even if I die trying." She slowly grabbed ahold of the candlestick on the nightstand.

He only laughed, amused. She took that as her chance to jump him, hitting him over the head with the candlestick. He fell to the floor, out cold. She then took the Belladonna root and shoved it in his mouth. She breathed heavily, exhausted. She felt like passing out, but the job wasn't done yet.

She ran towards the study, swiftly writing an address. In it, she explained everything that had happened, starting with the day of her brother's death, leading up to today. She coughed, more and more until it turned into hacking. She ran to the nearest person, giving them the address.

She continued to cough, blood spewing out of her mouth. The maid screamed for help, multiple people surrounding her now limp body. The blood slowly stopped streaming out of her agape mouth, her widened eyes lifeless.

But justice was served.


Take that fuckers, after all of the happy shit I wrote with In My Sight, Boy Next Door and the previous chapter, you guys deserve this. >:3



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