If this is to end in fire

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Whoever said not to put two alfa females together didn't grow up in a Slytherin dorm. Hannele's heart sinks as she swings open the door to the room to find Astoria sitting on the other bed.

"Merlin," Hannele grumbles walking to her bed and opening the trunk.

"You don't belong with us," Astoria says walking up to her.

"Are we really doing this right now?"

"Draco has a path and you will only hinder him from staying on that."

"Astoria what is your problem with me really? We were at least friendly until I got engaged to Draco. Do you what? Love him?"

"No, but I am invested in his success." She says stepping closer to Hannele. "My purpose in life is to keep the royals in power and you threaten that." She can smell the expensive perfume reeking from Astoria. Her designer clothes hug her body in black satin, the only thing not put together is her hair falling out in curls around her face.

"Back off Astoria, you have no idea what is going on here."

"I know more than you ever will."

"You are being a cryptic piece of shit Astoria just drop it."

"Do not speak to me like that!" She yells and goes to slap Hannele but she grabs her wrist. Astoria struggles to pull away but she casts a spell paralyzing her so she can't move away.

"Astoria. You see me as a threat to your rule, a mountain girl without an ounce of royalty. But you have it wrong I can be whoever I want and I am doing a beautiful job of becoming the royal woman the Malfoy's need. So. Get. On. Board!" Hannels hisses in her face. She can't move but she can see the fear in her eyes. When Hannele releases Astoria's wrist the spell breaks and she falls to the floor. She goes back to unpacking when a spell hits her and she goes flying into the far wall. Hannele's head smashes into the cabinet and she crumbles to the floor, blood dripping down her face from a gash in her scalp. She closes her eyes mumbling a strong spell and hears Astoria crash into the far wall. She thinks she's probably going to be a little bruised till a gut-turning scream escapes from Astoria's mouth. Hannele looks up and sees Greengrass's arm has been impaled by the coat hook. Before she can help her Draco and Blaise burst into the room. Blaise screams when he sees Astoria and Hannele feels Draco grab her. She can't stop looking at Astoria as she screams. The hook is sticking all the way out of her arm, it's like she's hanging there. A Perfect runs in and she expects he helps Astoria but before she can see, Draco has swept her into his arms and out of the room to the infirmary. She sees his worried face running down the hall and then she blackout. 

Hannele's eyes flutter open. She blinks as the sun and white blind a little. Draco and Blaise are sitting in chairs next to the bed both fast asleep with Blaise's head on Draco's shoulder. She laughs a little and goes to shake them awake, except she can't move. She struggles to move, to move anything. The only thing that responds is the muscles in her face. So she scream.

"Hey shush, it's ok, breathe Hannele," Draco jumps up and puts his face to hers. "They have you under a spell. You're okay." Her eyes fill with tears. Draco climbs into the bed and pulls her close.

"Blaise go get McGonagall, tell her she's awake," Draco orders him.

"This should be illegal!" She yells still trying to move. She keeps thinking of spells but nothing is working.

"I agree." He growls.

"Serves you right you psycho."  Astoria is across the room sitting with her arm wrapped up.

"Astoria..." Draco warns.

"She did the exact thing to me!" Astoria protests.

"Why isn't she paralyzed!" 

"Because she isn't as strong as you," Draco smirks.

"Ms. Kenno." McGonagall says entering the infirmary. She waves her wand and Hannele's body is set free. She jumps up out of the bed but the world starts to spin and Draco pulls her back next to him.

"You can't do that with your head injury." He whispers.

"Ms. Kenno, what you did to Ms. Greengrass was unacceptable." McGonagall reprimands. "We do not tolerate any harm to any student. You will serve two weeks detention... together." Astoria yells in protest.

"What? You want me to spend a week with that psycho!" Astoria yells.

"You will work out your problems or you will both be expelled." Oh no. That isn't good. Hannele was just thinking about how fun it was going to be to mess with Greengrass.

"Now. All of you are late for the first period. Malfoy, Zabini, help the ladies to their class." Draco helps her stand. She looks down still in the clothes from yesterday and her robes are splattered with blood. Draco notices and waves his wand, the blood disappears, the wrinkles flatten, the tank top forms into a turtleneck, and the once-black hues are now green.

"Father would have a heart attack if he heard you had worn the same clothes in a row." He mumbles and then picks up the bags. She takes his hand and follows Blaise and Astoria to class. First period is Defense Against the Dark Arts, ironic. She hadn't noticed yesterday who the new teacher was. Her heart falls when she sees Gregory Leger, the new Minister of Magic.

"Glad you could join us, your majesties,'' he sneers, pointing to a few empty seats at the front.

"You have got to be kidding me," Draco whispers.

"I know you know who I am, the Minister of Magic, but here you shall call me Professor Ledger. I am here because the ministry is hoping to add some stability to this otherwise tumultuous class." Hannele actually thoroughly enjoys this class and has never really had a problem with Ledger, just the usual annoying righteous good side act. They do some review from last year which is good because she was thoroughly distracted then. She spent most of my time defending the other Slytherins from the constant hazing, she hardly paid attention in class and never had time to study. She is brought back from her thoughts by the voice of her twin. Soren asks a question and her heart sinks watching him sitting with the golden trio.

"Soren wasn't in the hospital," Hannele sighs. 

"Yeah, he... Well, he asked about you but didn't want to be seen with the rest of us. I think he wants a fresh start." Blaise mumbles. He's upset. Soren and Blaise used to be friends before... well before the world tore everyone apart.

"Still that's fucked up, you're his sister, to hell with appearances," Draco growls glaring at Soren.

"No. You and I know most of all that appearances mean everything." She opens a mirror from the bag and uses her wand to spin her hair into a tight bun and refresh her face with makeup. 

"Soren chose his path, I chose mine." Soren and Hannele lock eyes and he turns back to the professor. She has chosen her future and it is clear Soren wants nothing to do with it.

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