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The next morning, Mom and I drove to school in silence. As she parked in her usual spot, by the curb, I noticed three girls perched on a large boulder under a tree, paper fans in their hands. I recognized all three as Sara's friends – one of them being in my class. I wondered what they were doing there.

As Mom and I descended the car – into the gloomy but hot weather – the girls' attentions turned to us. Walking up the school path with Mom, I heard them whispering among themselves as we passed by. "Oh my God, she's here."

"Sara was right."

"Where is she right now anyway? Like, how many questions could the principal be asking?" An alarming thought popped into my head: Sara was being questioned?

"I know right? Like, she's not even a real witness." One of them laughed.

"Seriously. She literally only wanted to be here cause she knew you-know-who would be." Judging from the tone, I knew I was 'you-know-who.'

"How did she even know that?" How did she?

"I don't- Oh, she just texted. She's with coach." The rest of the conversation happened out of my earshot. I frowned slightly to myself, wondering exactly what Sara was being questioned about in the principal's office, why her friends were there, and how she knew I'd be showing up.

As Mom and I entered the school and began walking through the halls in silence – me leading the way – everything began clicking together in my head. The previous day during online class, Sara had said, "I knew it!" after seeing the text messages I sent to Daniel, which everyone heard, including our invigilator, Ms. Savia. Which made sense as to why she was being questioned as a 'potential witness' at the principal's office. As for how she knew I'd be at school that morning? Well, she was smart and probably just figured I'd get called in right away after my 'inappropriate' secret got out.

My anxiety went up and I began sweating as we made it into the main office, passing by the empty front desk that had a water fountain with cups nearby. Mom knocked politely on my principal's open office door. "Come in," came our greeting. I slowly trailed in behind Mom, taking in the room, which was filled with mechanical fans surrounding two half surfaces put together to form a circular table in the middle of the large space. My principal, Mrs. Jacqulin, stood in front of her large brown desk – in professional attire and pulled back locs – her hand extended. "Hi Ms. Lewis, I'm Mrs. Jacqulin."

Mom seized her hand politely, giving a shake, and nodded. "Hi."

"I'm sorry we had to meet like this, amidst the heatwave and everything."

They released hands and Mom shrugged a shoulder. "Mm, well things happen."

"Right." Mrs. Jacqulin suddenly looked at me. "Hi Amaya. How are you this morning?"

"Um, good," I answered quietly. But of course, considering the situation I was in, I was far from good. More like nervous and uncomfortable.

Mrs. Jacqulin's hazel eyes turned back to Mom. "So, we spoke on the phone the other day and you know what this meeting is about." Mom nodded. Mrs. Jacqulin put her hands together. "To get right to the point, I'll start by asking Amaya some questions, then we'll be joined by Mr. Sanders," What? "and one of our witnesses." Sara?

"Oh?" Mom asked in surprise.

"Yes. If that's okay. I've conducted separate interviews already and thought I'd hold a last one involving all the main parties to better decide on my final course of action."

Mom nodded in understanding while I panicked internally. Everything was different now that Daniel was coming. I had no idea what he had said during his interview and no prep for what I should say during mine. And not to forget about this potential witness who would be presenting themselves. As though reading my mind, Mom asked, "If I may ask, who is this witness?"

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