OMG !!! Is this what is called destiny ...

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          I didn't really know what happened, but it was over .He didn'ttouch me, it was strange. I thought he wanted to torture me, howeverit wasn't the case. At first, he seemed like all he wanted was seeing mestruggling and then killing me, I closed my eyes as he gets closer andcloser to me, I dreaded his touch, he looked at me with shocked eyes, he was both glad and surprised to see me, he kept repeating that oneand only sentence: 'I am happy that you came back to me, I knew thatyou will not abandon me'. From that moment, I realized that I was in agreat calamity. I did not find another solution than keeping up with ituntil I find a chance to escape.

       A week passed by, he was so good to me, he treated me well.Through his behavior, I felt like he was avoiding to hurt me or scare mewith his lunatic nature and mental health. I had to make great effortsto not deal with his ups and downs. He has the image of a cold,heartless, human being. Do all psychopaths show a complete lack ofnormal emotional capacities and empathy? 

       He is characterized by diagnostic features such as superficial charm, highintelligence, poor judgment and failure to learn from experience but he trieshard . Furthermore, he has suffered emotionally as a consequence ofdissatisfaction with his own self.

       Months passed, in the end we just got used to each other, I accepted it. Iwill not deny the times that I tried to escape, but I failed and this idea began tofade away with his love. When two people are bitter enemies, it can be difficultfor them to see each other better. Bringing in a common enemy, or a commoninterest, can put the enemies in a team together. This forced them to recognizeeach other's strengths, and consider their weaknesses. 

        No matter how hard we try, we aren't able to fall in love with people, weare not connected with common point . The first step to create possible loveinterests is to find common point; this is what I was trying to do, to get to knowhim better. But what worried me the most was when he knew that I am not theone he thought I was.

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