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A few months ago. Saiko Intelli had failed the Provisional Hero License Exam. She had barked orders, talked the big game, and led her team of classmates to complete failure. All that would boil down to her sitting outside on a bench far from the test site. Crying.

Her hat was to the side, and her monocle had fallen down to her chest she really had been a mess since the loss that had occurred. She feared what her classmates would think. She feared that she would now be a social outcast due to her poor leadership.... it was kinda more a dictatorship, but still. The weight of failing her people was heavy, so now all she could do was cry with no one around to hear her.

Midorya had stumbled outside for some air, but he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. Across the way and through some shrubs , he spotted Saiko with her hands gripping her face as she sobbed quietly. Feeling a sense of obligation, Midorya walks up to her carefully, tapping her on the shoulder


Saiko says through sobs and without looking

"I uh... h-heard you crying. Just wanted to check up on you, Miss...."

Midorya says timidly

Saiko wipes her eyes before turning to look at the boy. Green hair, green eyes. She had recognized him from somewhere

"I'm Izuku Midorya. You were the girl that went against my classmates?"

"Yeah. Saiko Intelli. What do you want?"

Saiko says with mild frustration

"Just to check up on you. Heard you crying... got concerned.. so now I'm here."

Midorya says, sitting down next to Saiko

Saiko looks the boy up and down for any strings attached but finds nothing. She then puts her hands back on her face and resumes the waterworks

"I...I-I failed my classmates. I couldn't deliver on my promise... led them to complete and total failure."

Midorya carefully puts his hand on her back as she resumes sobbing. She quickly looks up only to find Midorya softly smiling at her. It seemed so... infectious. It's almost like she was hit by Miss Jokes' quirk.

"It's gonna be okay. You don't have to break down over a little mistake, Intelli."

Midorya says, reassuring her

"There gonna hate me when I go back. I just want to run away at this point.... they'll all turn against me... because I. Was a poor excuse for a leader."

Saiko says

Midorya carefully scoots over, which causes her to lean on him as she sniffles

"There your friends Intelli. I'm sure they won't be mad at you. People fail. And when you fail, you have two choices."

Saiko looks up at Midorya as he speaks to her with soft eyes

"You either stay on the ground with blood in your mouth. Or you get up and spit it out. Y-Y-Your friends won't be mad at you, Intelli. Because people fail all the time. No one is perfect. You did your best as a leader, and they can appreciate that. All you have to do is worry about being a better leader next time."

"Next time?"

Saiko says, confused

"Yes. Next time. You've got people that need you, Intelli. This test is always gonna be waiting for you. Just retake it when you're ready. I promise you. You'll do just fine. Because from what I heard from Yaoyorozo... you're a cutthroat, smart, competitive girl. You'll figure something out simply because you're that good."

Saiko smiles a bit as she continues eyeing Midorya

"Don't cry, Intelli. Your friends will understand."

Midorya says before flashing his bright smile to her

Saikos tears have been nullified altogether. Midorya's words of appraisal and appreciation have gotten to her. She felt good. Really good.

Saiko sits up before pulling Midorya into a hug, making him go as red as a tomato.

"Thank you. Midorya... no one's ever said anything like that to me."

Saiko says

Midorya timidly returns the hug, which Saiko instantly eases into.

"I-Its no problem miss Intelli."

"Please... call me Saiko. You're a good man."

"Oh... I wouldn't go that far. I'm just trying to cheer up a pretty girl... heh."

Saiko releases the hug and looks at Midorya with a smug smile

"A charmer, too? Oh, Midorya. You shouldn't have."

Saiko says, furthering Midoryas embarrassment

Saiko giggles at his actions and leans over, kissing him on the cheek

"Thank you, Midorya. I don't feel awful anymore."

"Im.. I'm. I'm glad I could help Saiko."

Saiko reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out her phone

"Let me see your phone, Izuku."

Saiko says calmly

"Ooooo, first name."

Midorya says, smiling

"Oh, Hush up now,"

Midorya hands Saiko his phone

Midorya watches as Saiko eloquently taps something into his phone before handing it back to him, revealing Saikos' contact information

A nice and simple contact named Queen Saiko🤍


Midorya says

"Yes. Now as your queen. I demand you carry me back to the site."

Midorya pauses with a growing red hue appearing on his face


Midorya thinks

"Y-You c-cant b-be serious."

"Dead set, sweetie."

Saiko does her little signature look of putting her palm on her face with her beret casting a shadow over her eyes

"Well, alright."

Midorya laments


Saiko silently cheers

Midorya carries Saiko bridal style back to the testing site. Saiko stares at him the entire time. He was something special. Something rare. A good man.

"Alright. I believe I've got to get going back to school about now."

Midorya says, letting Saiko down

"Thank you, Midorya. Your.... you're a great man."

Saiko says. Complimenting others wasn't really her thing, but she had to break that just for Izuku. He deserved it.

"Until we meet again, Saiko-"


Bakugo yells from a distance.

"Guess that's my cue, heh."

"I'll be sure to text you every day until we get a chance to meet again, Mister Midorya."

"I look forward to it."

Midorya says, scratching the back of his head

"Bye, Saiko. I'll see you later."

Midorya says

"Bye Izuku."

Midorya and Intelli stand there looking at each other for a second more. Before both of them collectively decide to look away and walk.

Midorya couldn't help but watch Saiko leave. The arrogant sway in her walk. The white thigh highs. Wait, what was he thinking again? Never the matter. Midorya finally walks away, leaving back to U.A. and ending this newly improved chapter.

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