Chapter 1. Just A Normal Day...

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Elizabeth's POV

I was by a lake, a beatiful ocean blue lake. With my One Direction crazed best friend. Well I was obsessed with One Direction too, but not as much as Sarah. I'm learning though. All of a sudden a whirlpool was forming in the lake. Sarah and I ran. Then everything went black. I turned on my phone and used the light from it. There stood One Direction right in front of us. They walked towards us, evil grins on their faces. All of a sudden Zayn and Harry disappeared. Sarah and I turned to run away but instead we ran into something hard, or Zayn and Harry. They surrounded us and were about to drag us away when Sarah and I screamed.

*****END OF DREAM*****

I woke up to me screaming, but also someone else... Sarah. "Sarah why were you screaming?!?!" "I was just about to ask you the same thing, Liz." "Did you have a dream with One Direction in it with them-" I started "about to kidnap us? Yes." she finished my sentence. "But that would never happen...would it?" "Nah. I mean really. What would a famous, hot, awesome boyband, want with us?" she asked me. "Yeah you're right." Then, out of nowhere, there was a click followed by a flash. "Sarah....what...was that?" I asked Sarah. "I think it was a camera?" she said, confused. "Yeah....but why?"

We searched our bedroom. Then we found it. A pink camera, against our pink wall. "I can't believe we never noticed this before..." said Sarah "Yeah, but why is there a camera here- in our room?" i asked her. "Do you think it's something new the government is doing?" I asked her. "Hmm.. Could be. But they would've informed us about it." She said. She always was the smartest. Especially after her parents died on a cruise. The ship sunk- no one survived. I always thought it was weird how educated she got after their death. I moved in with her after that because my Mom and brother died in a car crash. I would've lived with my dad but after their death he was devastated. He would go out every night and drink. He would come home drunk, and abuse me. Apparently he thinks 'It gets his mind off of it'. "Hey Sarah..." "Yeah?" she asked. "Do you think the dreams-" she cut me off and finished my sentence like she frequently does. "Were real? No. Like I said what would One Direction want with us?" she asked me. "Well, nothing...I don't think." she laughed "Lizzy, forget about it. Lets go get breakfast. We can go to McDonalds!" "Okay." I said, sighing.

*****At McDonald's*****

After 5 minutes of driving in an awkward silence, we arrived there. We pulled up to the order microphone. "Hi what would you like?" We heard a female voice ask. "Umm hi we would like 2 hashbrowns, 2 orders of scrambled eggs, and 2 orange juices." Sarah

said, already used to ordering our breakfast. "Okay. Please pull up to the first window." We

pulled up to the window. "Hello, may I ask you what your names are?" Sarah turned to me and gave me a look, as if to say 'Why not'. She turned back to the woman. "Yes. Our names are Sarah, and Elizabeth." "Ah. Yes, these boys called and said you were gonna be here. They said that you were coming and your order was on them. Please pull up to the next window, and have a nice day!" Holy. Shit. Sarah drove up slowly and didn't say a thing. She had a worried look on her face. I'm sure I did too. We got the food and went home.

We got home and started eating in silence. Finally I spoke up. "We're being stalked." Sarah turned to me. "I know.... That explains the camera." All of a sudden we heard another click, then a flash. "Oh God..." I said. I went through the kitchen until I found it, another camera above the fridge. I held it in my hand and turned to Sare.

"Yep...Just another normal day."

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