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Tbh didn't feel like dying. He knew who the imposter was. He caught Dino killing Joocie in comms.  When Dino realized this he knew he was in trouble. So he offered that if Tbh didn't expose him Dino wouldn't kill him. Most would have accepted this deal. But Tb wasn't as worried for himself as he was for Meme. He knew Meme had been going through some rough times with Socks and when Meme invited Socks into security with him, Tb knew the drama would only continue. So Tb offered a different deal.

"You don't kill me AND Meme and I'll help you kill everyone else."

This sounded like a fantastic idea to Dino so he eagerly accepted. 

So when he was walking up from there (outside of navigation) he was feeling sick to his stomach. He didn't WANT to kill everyone but at this point he didn't have a choice. Meme came running down from weapons practically falling into Tb's arms.

"What happened Meme?!"

"He bullied me to say the least...."


"Tb chill don't worry I dealt with it and we're not getting back together EVER again."

"Good. I don't want to see him with you again."

"Tbh I can handle myself."

"I know but with o- two imposters on the loose..."

"Look Tb I'm just gonna go do my tasks. I'll see you at the next meeting."

"K bye.."

And just like that Tbh knew exactly who to kill first.

| After I updated this I also added a paragraph to the 1st chapter so make sure to read that |

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