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*camila's pov*

"Oh my god. Lauren your hand," I say, tugging my jacket off.

I wrap it around her hand, putting pressure on it. She pushes back, unwrapping her hand again.

"I don't need your help," she huffs, throwing my jacket back to me.

"Lauren, please. You're bleeding," I beg.

She sighs and nods slightly, and I walk back to her, checking her hand.

"Shouldn't you be taking care of your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," I smile, finally being able to say that.

Lauren doesn't say anything, until Shawn gets up again. He walks over to her, and shoves her again, trying to start another fight. Lauren doesn't react when he pushes her. Instead, she lets him torment her.

"What's your problem?" he yells, shoving her again.

"What the hell is my problem?" Lauren yells back, making Shawn look pathetic. She takes a step forward, and clenches her jaw.

"If you ever touch her again, you're dead. Understand?"

Shawn scoffs. Lauren grabs his shirt with both her hands, leaving blood from her hand all over him.

"Understand?" she says in a deep voice. Shawn nods, pushing himself back. He quickly returns to his car, starting it and speeding off.

Lauren quickly looks towards me, and then walks away. She gets into the same car as her friends, and they leave. I stand in the parking lot, with a handful of students still staring at me.

*later that night*

I can't be bothered to make food, so I decide to order food instead. I call for a pizza, and run upstairs when I hang up the phone.

I fall back onto my bed, and my mind instantly falls to Lauren. Why did she stand up for me? Why did she say that it would be best to stay away from her?

All I knew, was that for the last year, I wanted to know her. Not just the small things, but everything. She had this way of pulling me in, without even trying.

In fact, I didn't just want to know her, I wanted her to know me. The real me, not the fake Camila that you see at school.

I let out a sigh and sat back up, grabbing my guitar from the corner of my room. I started plucking at the strings, playing the first song that came to my mind. My mind drifts back to Lauren, and I sing the lyrics, wishing that one day, maybe I could say them to her face.

Oh, her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know
When I compliment her, she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so
Sad to think that she doesn't see what I see
But everytime she asks me, "Do I look okay?"
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

And when you smile

The whole world stops and stares for a while
Cause you're ama-

I was cut off by the doorbell. I place my guitar on my bed, and I run downstairs, grabbing some money from my kitchen counter as I head for the door.

"Wow, that was qui- Lauren?"

"Uh, hey."

She stood in front of me, soaked from the rain. I gestured for her to come in, but she shook her head.

"Were you expecting someone?" she says, looking behind her.

"Just waiting for the pizza guy to get here. What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" I ask.

"I just came to see if you were okay. You had an interesting day," she says, referring to my moment with Shawn.

I nod, and she smiles slightly.

"Okay, well. That's all I came for," she shrugs, turning away.

"Wait, don't go," I smile, grabbing her hand, which had now been wrapped up. She gives me an unsure look, so I slowly pull her into my house.

"You can stay here until the storm passes," I say. She smiles widely, letting out a small giggle, and I raise an eyebrow. "What?" I laugh.

"That's how you got me to stay last night," she says. I smile, remembering finding her on the street.

"Well, as long as I live here, you're welcome to stay. Even if I do move, I'm sure the new owners won't mind," I joke, causing her to giggle.

The doorbell rings, and I open it, revealing the pizza guy. He was the usual pizza guy. A twenty-something year old man, who liked to flirt with me in his spare time.

"Hello," he smiles, handing Lauren the box, and turning back to me. I smile at him, and he leans against the door.

"So, you have any plans tonight?" he asks, avoiding Lauren completely.

"Um, eating pizza. How much is it?" I ask.

"$9.75. But, how about you just go on a date with me instead," he grins.

I cringe at his request. Instead, I give him a twenty dollar note.

"Here, keep the change."

"How sweet, thank you. So, how about that date?" he asks again.

I stay silent for a moment, and then Lauren cuts in.

"I'm literally standing right here," she sighs.

"What?" he says, turning his attention to Lauren.

"Dude, stop hitting on my girlfriend, and get lost," she says, giving him a look. My eyes widen, as she puts her arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

He stands up straight and nods to us both. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Okay, now go," Lauren says, closing the door. She turns to face me, removing her arm from around my waist.

"Sorry, he wouldn't leave, and you seemed uncomfortable," she explains.

"Thank you, maybe he'll actually stop flirting with me now," I laugh.

I walk over to her, and grab the box from her hands, gesturing for her to follow me. I make my way up the stairs, with Lauren following behind. I walk into my room, and pick the guitar up, resting it back against the wall.

"Were you playing something?" Lauren asks, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah," I answer, shyly.

"What were you playing?"

"Just The Way You Are, by Bruno Mars," I reply, setting the box down.

"A love song? Hmm, who for?" she says, walking further into my room.

"So, are you hungry?" I ask, avoiding the question.

"Uh, sure," she smiles, walking over to my bed, and sitting down.

"So, tell me about this person."

"Hmm?" I say.

"This person you were singing love songs for. Tell me about them," she smiles.


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