Why does it hurt so much?

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"If it still makes you cry... It still matters.." -Parth


"Do I matter to him? Or am I just another one of his servants he pretends to love?"

Linda's eyes widened, surprised by her sudden low confidence, "I don't think he sees you as a servant. I've seen the way he looks at you, as if you are the most beautiful statue in the world.."

Aileth frowned, 'He may look at me like that but, does his heart want me as much as his eyes do?' She couldn't help but think.

She gave Linda a fake smile, "I see."

Maze walked in through the elevator, grabbing a baby tomato and flopping on the couch. She sighed heavily and exaggeratedly groaned.

Aileth side glanced at her, looking at Linda who seemed to be irritated.

"Everything alright Maki?" Aileth asked, hoping she wouldn't be stubborn today.

Maze stared at her with hatred, but not directed at her, "That bastard that was eyeing you yesterday,"

"The delivery guy? Who was delivering my stuff from my house?"

"Yeah! That scumbag was asking where you were and when I told him you had a boyfriend he shrugged and still asked! Like, what the fuck!" Maze threw her hands up.

Aileth slumped down, rubbing her forehead, "Maze, that was the last delivery for my stuff. He's married and has 4 kids."

She stood up, pointing at her, "That don't mean nothing."

"His 40 year anniversary was yesterday, Maze. He's 60 and his kids are all 30. I am an immortal that looks 23. Not only could I be his daughter but he would never do that. He has a very kind soul, I can see it."

Maze bit her cheek, "I forgot you could do that."

Aileth huffed and nodded, grabbing another cracker and leaving to head to bed. She didn't want to deal with this right now. Her head ached and there was a little voice in her head saying it wasn't the soreness or anything related to last night.

Something wasn't right and she knew it. This had never happened before. Of course the two have had rough nights before but she never ended up hurting like this, she would normally heal during the night when she was asleep.

She hadn't spoken to Lucifer since last night and even then, he was always gone. Never at the penthouse and forced her to stay there. The police and Maze outside her door stopped her many times from leaving before.

The last real conversation that she can recall that happened between the two of them was when they were in Hell. They would speak hours upon hours of each other's day to what the next date idea was. Now it's just sex and short conversation. It made her worry that maybe he had finally found someone who made him more happy than she could ever.

What was wrong with her body? Why did it burn like the flaming embers of blue flames. Why did her skin tingle everywhere he touched. Why did it hurt her so much to think about him? And why, why was she falling?

She gasped, 'I'm falling!'

Aileth landed on the ground with a thud. She rubbed her lower back, tempting to open her eyes but when she did. She wasn't expecting to see Uriel standing in front of her with all his glory.

She grimaced, standing up and bowing her head down slightly in respect. Knowing not to lift it unless she was told to, she knew the ways of angels. That's why she was always hesitant around them, as if every wrong move would make the jenga tower wobble on its two blocks.

Uriel frowned, remembering a time when the two would greet each other with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He hated that he had to do this to her, but she was a mere pawn in his fathers plan. He must follow his orders.

He stepped threateningly close, his gaze intently staring at her, "Do you perhaps know where my mother might be?"

She furrowed her brows, "I apologize for speaking but, I did not know you had one. Lucifer has never spoken of one to me."

Uriel grew angry, "Your lying! He tells you everything!"

Aileth did not flinch, she merely blinked, "Not lately he has not."

Uriel stopped, 'What?'

He had noticed something was wrong, her once lively and adventurous attitude was now dull and only consisted of one thing in mind. What do I do to make him satisfied?

Uriel felt the need to continue to threaten her but also as a friend and brother, he wanted to help. But the small voice in his head told him this was his will and he must follow orders.

Uriel grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look at him. She gasped, on reflex she grabbed his wrist, wincing in pain as his hand tightened.

"You will tell me what you know! All of it!"

She let go of his wrist and grabbed her jaw, his hand had it in a tight hold. The flashes ran through her head like wild geese. She wanted to run, she wanted to call someone's name but she knew no one could hear her.

So she cried, she sobbed as her vision grew dark and the silhouette of her abuser focused itself in her mind. His words engraved into her vocabulary.

Uriel focused on her, he let go once he realized she was panicking. He wasn't trained for this field of humanity. He was the keeper of time, not humans.

He saw how her eyes darkened and clouded with fear. Just what had Lucifer put her through.

She stared at him, finally looking up she glared, "This, I have nothing to do with whatever bullshit Lucifer has gotten himself into this time!!!"

The angels eyes widened, he had never heard her yell like that and still seem so dull. He saw her eyes, the green hues and how they stopped when he had mentioned Lucifer.

"He doesn't care enough to talk to me so why should I care about whatever shit he's done now?? He hasn't spoken to me properly since we were stuck in hell." She spoke lowly, her eyes fixated on the white ground.

She slowly lifted her vision to look at him, "So don't act like I'm some leverage."

Uriel narrowed his eyes, "I cared for you as if you were my sister! You will not give me this attitude."

If her vision could've gotten harsher, it would've. She got closer to him, pointing an accusing finger at his chest.

"Says the one who locked me there."

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