moving in

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Eren pov
At the same time they both say,"what do you mean I am moving in here".
Theirs now way she can be my roommate im a guy and she's a girl I need to go talk to the dean right now." Alright I dont know whats going on here but I am going to go talk to the dean" says historia." I was going to do that" said eren.
They both walked in sync going to the same place. Each step faster than the last. When they walked it was as if they were stomping all the way their
When they finally got their the both knocked on the door and heard the dean say" come in". Eren and hiatoria entered the office but this time they were not in sync. Their was an awkward silence in the room that lasted for about five to ten seconds and finally eren spoke up." Sir Smith is she the roommate you were talking  about."

"Yes Eren, I understand the confusion; This was the only spot I was able to cram you two in." Eren didn't speak this time historia was the wan to speak," but sir isnt their another dorm that is empty, so you can separate us.?

"Unfortunately no, this year we had a lot of new students attending. We are very pact at the moment."

"I under stand that sir but how can you allow me to share a room with a female" eren said. Mr. Smith spoke up and said," do you both remember when you guys came to my office and requested a room." Eren and historia both looked confused and answered at the same time,"yes."Eren thought to himself if he had agreed to anything, but he can't remember." You both singed a paper to stay in the dorms, on that sheet it asked if you agreed to share dorms with the opposing sex". "You both signed the sheet"

Both historia and eren both felt like idiots for not reading the whole sheet

Eren bowed and thanked Mr. Smith for his time. Shortly after that historia followed his lead.

Eren enterd the dorm and continued to finish unpacking his stuff. Historia was right behind him and stood their with a pissed of face.

Eren turned around and asked,"what did I do this time." She looked at him dead in the eye," you need to leave this room, I have to unpack." Eren stood their in confusion," why do I have to leave this is my dorm too." "Well I have to unpack my clothes and stuff." Eren stood their more than a foot taller than her and started to laugh at her response." Whats so funny" she said pouting." Do you take me as some kind of pervert or something", he says while he tries to stop laughing.

After their little argument eren left the room to historiaa suprise

[1 day later] eren pov

"Finally the lecture is over" says eren as he stands up and stretches his body. I left to got to my dorm, but I started to think about what I would do in the occasion I needed some alone time. Now I live with a girl so I won't be able to have my alone time like I had before. At the old apartment  Zeke would go out, but I noticed historia is just as anti-social as I am.

Eren laid on his bed and started to send some messages to Armin and Mikasa asking if he wanted to go out somewhere. As he sent the messages gistoria walked in. She seemed to be in a good mood, she even wasn't mad at me. I wondered what happened.

"Hey historia why are you in such a good mood" eren said." What do you mean im always in a good mood she says." She got some stuff and then opened the door to leave.

"Are you going out somewhere" eren said. She replied and said," yea I'm going out with some freinds."

After the small co versatile she left and eren got a reply. He looked in the group chat and saw Mikasa and armin asking  why he randomly wanted to go out. He told them he had something important to talk about in person

He had to tell them about his dorm story. He also wanted some advice from Mikasa so he would know how not to piss historia off

They both agreed to go and hear eren out.

Eren called a uber an realized he had barley any money in his account. He thought to himself where he should work.

Thanks for the 50 reads. I'm surprised I started this for fun and know I'm posting 1 chapter a day, and this story is a #32 on erehisu tag.

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