Meeting Zero

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Summary - Spectre's first day seems boring and he thinks he hates his new job. He does, but he realizes something not long after.

A/N- We all have our theories about Spectre and the rest of the Specialists so if any of you want to know about my headcanons and so, please let me know. I can dedicate a chapter to it.


Spectre stared at the guarded base with a grim expression, tightening the grip of his duffle bag. He was told in his acception letter to not bring a lot of his belongings and that most supplies and products would be either given to him or bought for him. This job was a huge step up from Special Forces and his assassin job. He didn't mind this job being ten times stricter than the CIA since he had no family or friends to really talk to. His father died when he was younger and his mother passed away from Alzheimer's two years ago . He has no siblings and was quite the loner back in his school and early adult days.

"Oh you must be-" "Spectre. Please, call me Spectre for the remainder of my contract" Spectre cuts off the lady in front of him. Where she came from was a question he didn't know the answer to and he is quite an expert on discovering answers in a matter of seconds. The woman bitterly smiled, her blonde hair pulled up into a tight ponytail and her pale blue eyes were so cold and secretive. Spectre knew immediately that he didn't like his new boss.

"Well if you didn't know, I'm Savannah Mason and I'm in charge of this program. I'm so glad you decided to test your limits and-" "Just show me my room and we wouldn't have a problem" Spectre says coolly, enjoying how he agitated Savannah. The blonde haired woman gave him another tight smile before turning sharply.


After two hours of an explanation and a hour tour, Spectre was showed to his room by another specialist, some Australian medic that goes by Crash.

"Alright, a quick heads up, mate. We all gotta share a room wit' someone and the latest person besides you to join is some lass named Zero. She ain't too talkative or anythin', so I'm sure you two will get right along" Crash says a bit too cheerfully. Spectre raised a brow that no one can see and hummed a reply. They stopped at the end of the corridor and Spectre stared at the door. He wasn't quite the talkative person either, some may say he is mysterious and dangerous for it. He never showed his face and having to share a room with someone would surely jeopardize that. Unless this Zero chick doesn't her face either, than it might be a win win situation.

"Thank you, Crash. You'll still get you pay" was all Spectre said before walking into his new room and shutting the door behind him. The room was quite big, two doors being inside. He guessed it was the restroom and closet but when he saw the actual closet, he felt dumbfounded.

"So you must be the new guy, huh?" A soft voice spoke from behind him. He turned abruptly and stared down at the young woman. Her dark hair reached her shoulders in slight waves and her hazel brown eyes stared at him with curiosity yet caution. He liked her already.

"What's it to you?" He spoke, taking a step towards her. She stood her ground, narrowing her wide eyes at him. Was she even old enough to be here?

"Nothing. Just asking. I'll be on my side of the room. Leave me alone." She turned and stormed off to the mysterious door, opening it and shutting it closed. Spectre didn't get a glimpse inside it and frowned. Sure he was a mysterious guy but that didn't mean he didn't like things being hidden from him. Especially from his new roommate. How was he going to trust this girl?

"Hmm...let's see about that"


A bell rang throughout the base and Spectre stood up immediately. He was sitting on his bed, reading the manual given to him when the bell rang. Zero finally came out of the other room and walked over to the door causally.

"What's going on?" Spectre asked, following her.

"Its the dinner bell. Boss Lady wants us to be at training and meals and any other activities on time. She gets angry me, don't get on her bad side" Zero muttered the last part but Spectre heard her clearly. He also noticed the accent in her voice.

"Are you German?" He asked, feeling incredulous. He knew Germany left the pact and joined the Western powers to fight against the CDP, but it wasn't that long ago. Plus the Mercs and Black Ops aren't fond of Germans...again.

Zero froze in her steps for a nanosecond before nodding. "Ja. Now hurry up, or we're going to be late."

Spectre nodded and continued to follow her, looking like a lost puppy and he hated it. But he knew the basics so far and hopefully tomorrow he'll be able to travel by himself. But the mere thought of it made his chest tighten. He, despite meeting her barely two hours ago, liked Zero. She was secretive like him and he yearned to figure her out. He looked ahead and stopped in his tracks abruptly, almost colliding into the dining rooms double doors. Zero shot him a small smirk before pushing one of them open.

Spectre stared at the dining room with awe, surprised that Savannah didn't even show him this room. There were multiple tables scattered among the room and a huge section to the far left, many foods displayed as if it were a buffet. The other specialists were sitting at the tables, all chatting or eating quietly but nodding at whoever is talking to them.

"You coming?" Zero's soft voice broke Spectre out of his trance. He nodded and went over to the kitchen, grabbing a plate and utensils. Zero did the same and together, they walked over to the feast and grabbed the food that caught their eyes. Spectre noticed Zero not picking much food, just a ceaser salad, some chicken, some fruit, and the smallest size of pepperoni pizza they had. He tried not prying but for some reason, he felt like he needed to talk or befriend Zero.

"Hey Zero! Nice hacking today!" A deep voice spoke from behind them. Zero held back a grin but it was useless since she let out a soft laugh. Spectre stared at the man, wishing he wasn't covering his face so the other can see his glare.

"Sorry about your supplies, Firebreak-" "Kid, you know you can just call me Krystof" Firebreak says with a grin. Spectre scoffed and was about to tell off Firebreak when Crash came over. He slung a arn around Zero's small shoulders and ruffled her hair, much to the girl's protest.

"That's what ye get for taking away my ammo supplies" he laughed. Zero rolled her eyes but a blush crept up on her pale face.

"Oh fick dich, Crash" she spoke in her native tongue. Crash looked confused while Firebreak laughed. Spectre, knowing curses in other languages, grinned. The two men finally noticed him and Crash clapped his back.

"I see you and Zero have met. Are you two best mates now or what?" Crash says teasingly. Firebreak looked intrigued at Spectre, who stared him down but it wasn't much of an effort since his face was covered but a dark aura seemed to surround him.

"I'm just helping him out. Boss Lady couldn't even tell him about the bell schedule and where the dining area is at" Zero shot, a roll of her eyes confirming that she was getting either annoyed or upset. Crash nodded in understanding and patted Zero lightly on the shoulder, a friendly gesture but Spectre saw it differently.

"Well let's get eating! Then we can make fun of everyone here!" Firebreak broke in, a wild grin situated on his face. Spectre followed them to a table and sat down next to Zero, who gave him another one of those shy smiles. They began eating, with Spectre only lowering his mask down to reveal his mouth. The three didn't care what he did, but Firebreak tried prying into his life. When Spectre made a snarky remark, Firebreak took it as an invitation to share his own story and began doing so.

"Such a naive fool..." Spectre thought jokingly. It was fun, in simple words. Spectre got to hear Zero laugh a few times and he himself laughed a few times as well. Everything was swell. Spectre began to have second thoughts on this place. It was going to hard, yes, but he knew he found the right friends already.

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