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Sorry go another short chapter. I'm having a little bit of writers block

"Prophecy" Ally said in confusion. "Yes, this is an important matter. You have been trusted with great power." Ally then looked a tad bit confused. "So you mean that I have powers. What kind of powers?" "Powers that allow you to open the portal to the end."

"Ok, ok. Let me get this straight, I end the world, all because I wanted to know what stars do; and because I have a magical power to ACESS the end." I need to wake up I can't do this anymore.

"Something wrong." The dream Keeper asked. "I can't... I don't want to end the world in two days." "I'm sorry child. All good things may not end happy. It's not your choice to decide your fate. It's prophecy."

"It's my fate, and I don't even understand prophecy. I should be able choose it. It's my life. You know what. This is all just a dream. It's not gonna happen." But that was only the beginning.

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