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Ito Min ha was never one for socialising.Since the moment she arrived at her new living space in Korea she only went out the room when necessary.

She had her phone and her bed,that's all she needs in her view.Her phone has music,videos,shows,books and her bed has...well it has her whole world.

The only time she goes outside when it isn't necessary is when she goes to the rooftop.

She likes the rooftop.

It gives her fresh air from her room which has rent way too high for what she got in return.It was a change of scenery from the damp,dark yellow walls.

There is a girl she always sees,the girl is pretty and dances whenever she is on the roof.It's beautiful,Minha had decided that the first time she saw the movements coming from the body of the petite girl.

The girl notices her too,their dark hair and cute fringe.The first time she called the girl cute she didn't even realise,it had became a habit of her thoughts since then.

Unlike minha she socialised quite a bit.Not enough to be labelled a social butterfly but enough to not be called introverted.She never had trouble speaking to who she wanted to but when it came to minha she found the problem of not being able to speak which has never occurred before.

She thought nothing of it.

When they were on the roof together the time there was filled with comfortable silence.

They both knew they wanted to talk to the other,yet still-neither could.

They wanted to know each other's stories,names,favourite colours,if they have pets and more.

But they both decided in their heads that a comfortable silence will do for now.

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