Darling..? (FLUFF)

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       Somthing was wrong with Crowley today, Aziraphale noticed. He noticed the extra figitting, the reluctant way he spoke, his angel was worried. Crowley was looking at himself in the mirror, something he rarely did, when Aziraphale wrapped his arms around him. "What's the matter, dearest?" Surprizing his angel again, he flinched away from the hug. "I'm..I'm fine, angel." He could see the doubt in his angel's face. "Just feeling... Self conscious is all.. I'm fine, Zira." He forced a smile, but damn if his lover couldn't see right through it.

      Aziraphale held him again, lighter this time, carful where he placed his hands. "What are you self conscious about, my dearest?" His other half just shook his head. "I'm fine. It's nothing I haven't dealt with before." His eyes raked over his own body in disgust. Too skinny, too boney, to sharp. Unlovable was the word that started to bounce around in his head, it showed. The disgust he showed when looking at himself broke his husband's heart. He's seen his lover like this before, though it's been a century or two since he's last been like this, and it's the first time Aziraphale could properly comfort him.

       "Darling...?" Zira's tone was softer and he turned his lover away from the mirror as he looked at him. "Y-yeah, Zira..?" There was a soft silence before the other spoke. "You are so beautiful, do you know that? I've spent every night looking at the stars for centuries and they can not begin to compare to the beauty of your eyes." He took his husband's hands and continued. "Your body is emaciate, my dear. So amazing, I'd thank God herself for creating your corporation if I knew she was listening. It fits so perfectly together with mine, against mine." He pulled his snake lover into a tight hug. "My beautiful demon husband. Wiley old fiend, love of my life." With that he kissed him deeply, full of love. It felt angelic, as it always did, and Crowley clung to his angel. "...thank you, Zzzira. Love you..." The demon his his face in Aziraphale's chest, far too emberresed by the affection and the fact that he was beet red, not to mention the fact that his flusteredness had caused his lisp to show. Aziraphale found it quite adorable but Crowley never cared for it.

       Aziraphale simply led him to their bed and laid himself down with the snake, cuddling now. Crowley curtainly didn't have any objections. Zira sat up a bit and put on his reading glasses and grabbed a book to read. The other tapped him gently. "Can you, mabye, read it out loud?" Zira smiled softly. "Curtainly, dear boy, though I doubt you'll know what's going on at this point in the book-" he was cut off. "That'sss okay. Jusst want to hear you read Zzzira." Ah. So the other was in the mood for a nap was he? Well, Zira read to him, although after only ten minutes the demon was asleep on the angel's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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