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(Y/n) POV

"Hey look there's a kid!" Is all I could hear as I passed out in the snow. "My name is (y/n) (l/n). I was running from a grimm that attacked my village but it caught up with me and almost killed me but I was saved by some soldiers who were sent there to investigate the village. I'm now in an atlas research facility as I was in critical condition and the only to save me was to genetically alter my DNA structure. I'm now their living weapon I have the power to save all of remnant. My DNA structure is consistent with funaus DNA, human DNA and genetic from grimms and I have a robot in my head. Right now I'm inside a test tube as they were talking about me." Ironwood was looking at me with his hand on the tube, "Is everything ready for his memory wipe?" 'MEMORY WIPE?!' They're planning to make me a mindless killing machine, I open my eyes a little looking for my combat suit and saw it was conveniently located right at a window I broke out the tube a ran to my suit and shouting, "E.D.I.TH suit up!"

The suit lit up as it melt and went to my foot I heard ironwood, "Don't let him escape!!!" "E.D.I.TH override all the control they have over you and get me my gears!" Jumping through the window land and rolling through the snow. E.D.I.T.H where is my gears?" She answered, "It on it's way to the outskirts of the facility. Upload location for pickup... Now." She said as my left eye glowed red running and evading pursuing soldiers and a furious Ironwood. "E.D.I.T.H get the dorpship in the air and lower the rope." The location was at a cliff, "E.D.I.T.H camouflage the dropship and wait for my signal." The aircraft went invisible I was looking over the cliff when Ironwood said, "(Y/n) look let's not do something we would regret." I looked at him with rage, "Let me guess you me to go back with you and forget this never happened am I right?" All he gave was a simple nod, "E.D.I.T.H now!" I jumped off using the to go invisible and to create a illusion that I died as I left atlas behind.

3 year timeskip

I'm in a store called from dust till dawn around the back in my disguise so that no one can recognize me.

I'm in a store called from dust till dawn around the back in my disguise so that no one can recognize me

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(This is E.D.I.T.H. it nanotech)

There's also a girl around here as well I was looking at weapon magazines to create a perfect backup weapon when suddenly a someone tap both me and the girl trying to get our attention I took off my headphones and asked, "Do you something?" The guy pointed his guy at me and told to put my hands up. "Are you robbing me?" "Yes." "Oh good." I kicked from the back of the store through the window at the front. "E.D.I.T.H you there?" My car glowed blue on it's outline.

H you there?" My car glowed blue on it's outline

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