The Meeting

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Y/N's pov

I was in my room laying on the bed listening to music. I heard my mother calling someone.... I wasn't sure if it was for me or for my brothers (I have three brothers, two twins and one younger than me.)
So I didn't respond thinking that it was for my brother's

After some minutes I heard my door opening, I looked and I saw Damian, my older brother, Beside him was standing Adam, my other brother.
"first, haven't I told you to knock before enter? And second, what do you want?" I asked annoyed
"father and mother wants you" Adam responded
"what for?" I asked
"go and find out" Damian said turning his back on me while smiling trying to make me more annoyed and angry
"Tch fine" I said and stood up from the bed.

I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. I walked downstairs and saw my mother and father sitting on the couch...
"finally" my father said looking at me with an angry look
"what is it?" I said ignoring the fact he was mad at me
"tomorrow we will have some visitors" my mother said with a sweet tone and smiled at me
"oh uhm... Okay" I said and turned to walk to my room.
I got upstairs and go to my room shutting the door behind me, I jumped to my bed.
'should I take a bath?' I through and I made my way to the bathroom
I knocked the door waiting for someone to answer so I can be sure nobody is insade the bathroom. When I was sure that no one is in the bathroom I get inside.

After taking a bath I got to my room and changed into my Pajamas. I lay down to the bed and put headphones on my ears. I listened to music until 1 am. I checked the clock and saw that it was already late so I took off the headphones and get to sleep.

The next day I woke up from a sudden pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw my younger brother, Ciel, jumping on my stomach probably trying to wake me up (yes I stole the name Ciel from black butler)
"Ciel what the heck are you doing?" I said with a Heavy voice.
"wake up!!!" he said with a smile like always. Ciel was the best thing that ever happened to me, I loved him with all my heart I wouldn't take it if something would happen to him....
"I'm up, I'm up" I said smiling at him trying to make him get of my stomach
He got off my stomach and waited me to get up.
"Ciel why did you woke me up? It's 7.00 in the morning" I said after I check my phone of what's the time and fall to the bed again
"I know it's 7.00 in the morning but the day is really pretty!!! And I want to go out with you!!!!!" he said with an exited voice while smiling
"can't you go and wake up Damian or Adam...?" I said while trying to sleep again
"but.... I want you to come" he said and he broke the smile he had making a sad face with puppy eyes. How can someone say no to this face?!
"okay, okay go and get ready so we can have breakfast and go outside" I said while getting up from my bed
"Yay!!!!!!!!" he said and smiled again while running out of the room downstairs so he can get breakfast

After I got dressed with a hoddie and a Jean I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. I saw Damian and Adam eating and my parents drinking coffee. I sat down beside Ciel and drinked my tea while Ciel was to exited and was jumping around
"Ciel down jump like this" I heard my mother saying with a chuckle
"sorry mom but I'm so exited!" Ciel responded with a bright smile
"oh and why's that?" our father asked
"me and Y/N are going outside for a walk!" Ciel said while dad looked at me
"Y/N" he said with a cold look
"Yes father?" I asked.
"Are  you sure that you can  take care of Ciel alone outside?" father asked while taking a sip of his coffee
"Yes father I'm sure I can take care of him" I said proud of myself
"very well" he said and paused before continuing
"you guys have to be home till 2.00 Pm
Did I made myself clear?" he asked looking at me and then at Ciel
"yes father" me and Ciel said the same time.

Me and Ciel went to the forest, we were walking for hours, we saw a lot of animals and Ciel was really exited...
'what would I do without you...' I though while he was pointing at a deer and was talking to me, I wasn't really hearing what he was saying, but I was only happy to hear his voice.
After some hours we went home, Ciel was really tired and mom told me to bath him and put him to bed so he can be Refreshed when the visitors come. I was kinda curious of who would it be.... Mother and father never told me who was coming, but I didn't ask them either, I didn't really care. After I washed Ciel and put him to sleep for some hours I got into my room and closed the door. I looked quickly around the room and cleaned it because there was a mess.

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