At Illumi's House

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Y/N's pov

'he likes when I'm Blushing!?' I thought and bacame a blushing mess. I tried to cover my face so he won't be able to see me, I was so impressed.
"there's no need to hide your face" he said and looked at me with his black  doll-eye's. I took my hands off of my face and started to calming down. When I stopped blushing I stood up
"come on.... It's getting late, we should go back." I said and smiled at Illumi.
"okay" he said and started walking towards me.

It was already dark and we still didn't got out of the forest. I was starting to get scared..... It was really dark and I had the feeling that something is going to happen.
"are you okay?" Illumi asked me and looked at me.
"Y-yea! I'm fine!" I said and looked down. I didn't want him to believe that I was weak or something like this.... Not like I was.... But I didn't had the best relationship with the darkness. We were walking for hours and the forest got even and even darker than before. I was really scared.....
"are you scared of the dark?" he asked me and looked down again to me.
"W-what?! N-no! Of course not!" I said and looked at him with a smile.
"oh okay" he said and started walking faster.
"I-Illumi wait!" I said speeding up trying to get him.
"but you said you aren't scared so why should I wait?" he said and looked behind with a confused look.
"W-well...." I tried to Justify myself but it couldn't work.
"fine you got me...." I said and looked down.

He walked towards me and took my hand. I Blushed a little and looked at him.
"you can't be afraid of the dark" he said and I looked down feeling that he's going to laugh at me.
"you're afraid of what's in the dark" he said and I looked up to him.

(The "you're afraid of what's in the dark" isn't my idea I'm copying Google notes OwO {actually my Bestie told me this-})

"come on now let's go" he said and hold my hand. He was was holding my hand until we got out of the forest.
"we should go to my house, it's nearest to us" he said and I nod my head.

We got to his house and we got inside.
"Oh, miss L/N, it's a pleasure to see you again!" said the silver haired man which was Illumi's father.
"T-thank you mister Zoldyck" I said and smiled.
"we are going to my room." The black haired Assassin said and drag me to his room.
"wait here" Illumi said to me and leaved the room. I was sitting on his bed. It was all in black, really pretty.

After some minutes Illumi came back to his room and closed the door. He took out of his closet two Towels and give them to me.
"go and take a shower" he said and I smiled at him. I stood up and walked to the bathroom.  I took a shower and then got out, Illumi was sitting on the bed. When I came out of the bathroom he was looking at his phone. He heard me and looked at me, I was only with a towel around me that it started from my breast and got down to my hips. He was staring at me.
"uhm.... C-could you please leave so I can change...?" I asked him and he looked up at my face. He walked towards me and stopped one meter away from me. I Blushed, he grabbed my waist and pull me closer to his body, I Blushed hard and looked in his black doll-eyes, he looked back at mine making an eye contact with me.

Illumi's pov

I saw her coming out of the bathroom, I couldn't stop looking at her.... She was so beautiful, her H/C H/L hair.... Her E/C eyes, her S/C skin.... It was so perfect. I stood up ignoring the fact she asked me to leave the room so she can change. I got closer to her and grabbed her waist pulling her closer to me. She was blushing, how cute, I pulled up her head by her chin, I wanted to kiss her...... But would it be wrong? I don't know if it's good to kiss her.... Maybe she want us to be friends..... And only friends.... I let go of her waist and leaves the room.

Y/N's pov

He walked away from the room leaving me being confused as heck. I didn't know if I was dreaming or something like this..... Was he about to kiss me? I don't know what happened....

I ignored it and get changed, I was wearing his clothes, a big black hoodie and big pants the selves of the hoodie were to long, I was so comfortable in his clothes.
"are you done?" Illumi said outside the room knocking the door of the room
"Yes, I'm done!" I said and sat on the bed. He came in and closed the door behind him. Illumi sat beside me on the bed, there was silence for some minutes, we both were looking down at the floor, we didn't say a word until....
"hey...." the back haired man said but was still looking down at the floor, I looked at him and didn't respond thinking that he was about to say something else.
"I'm.... Sorry about before" he said still looking down at the floor.
"it's okay" I said and looked back at the floor.
"it's just...." he said pausing
"I never felt like this for someone before..... And.... I don't know if I'm in love with you or just want you to be my friend." he said still looking at the floor. I couldn't response back..... I didn't know what to say, I was completely lost, was he really liking me? Or was he just playing with me....? I had no idea......
" I don't think I can hide my feelings for you" he said and paused
"I love you" he said and looked at me in the eyes, I didn't know what to respond so I just opened my mouth being shocked.
"it's okay if you don't like me back" he said and looked up at the ceiling.
"I-Illumi...." I said and paused, he looked at me and didn't talk.
"I...." I said being afraid that he'll regret me....
"I l-like you too...." I said and looked down Blushing. He grabbed my face and pull me on a kiss. I was shocked but slowly I was kissing back. He touched my waist and pulled me closer to himself. I put my arms around his neck, he broke the kiss and looked in my eyes.
"so you like me?" he asked
"Y-yea" I said and looked away Blushing. He laughed a little and hugged me.

Hey guys! This part is a little small I'm sorry T^T, I run out of ideas.
I promise the next part will be bigger than this, also.... Maybe the next will be kinda *cough**cough* I'll think about it 😅

Thank you for reading!

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