A "friendly?" encounter

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So she wrote :

"Trans people should be canceled because they are the root of all evil. a girl is a girl and a boy is a boy. no in between. if you're born a girl then you should be a girl and if you're born a boy you should be a bo-"

"GET OUT OF HERE" a loud noise interrupted her writing. she got up from her seat and went to check on what happened. it was alex. ofcourse. he was crying. no no not he- it.

This tall, blonde, handsome guy was yelling at alex. you could see some bald spots on his head. Joanne was attracted to bold heads.

"GET OuT I SAID" he yelled and Joanne flinched cause she got scared by his loud and raspy voice. his voice cracked while saying that. He turned his head and glanced at her and then... her heart started pounding fast. who was this man and why was he so- so attractive?

he smiled at her and showed off his teeth. they were so asymmetrical and yellow and his mustache was so beautiful. he then winked at her and she almost melted inside. butterflies all over her stomach.

That’s when Joanne turns around and sees he’s winking at a blonde with blue eyes behind her. So she also started crying like that little bitch Alex she was also hurt

When the beautiful mysterious mans eyes landed on hers he flinched almost as if he saw a ghost. Joanne asked, “What happened are you okay?”

Thats when the guys face gets physically angry and he yells, “HOW MANY OF YOU PEOPLE THINGS ARE THERE GET OUT!!!!” Joanne starts to sob at this point and manages to say in between sobs, “I-I-I-I’m not o-one of them”

His face falls and now he just looks disturbed and says, “Oh then you’re just genuinely ugly” Joanne storms out and almost forgets she’s at work so she runs back in and sits down. The only thing she can do now is think.

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