Moronic Fight

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Everyone was in the moment of eating their food and chatting with one another until an old "friend" came for a visit that night bursting open the ball room doors

Aidan: Huh...?

Unknown Hunter: Seriously you don't remember me?!

Aidan: You're going to have to be more specific with yourself, I'm not a telepath

Unknown Hunter: Fine play stupid you dumb bastard

Aidan: My brother from another god-forsaken mother, I'm genuinely lost

Unknown Hunter: Really... Huntsman School?

Aidan: ...

Unknown Hunter: Arcane class?

Aidan: ...


Aidan: You Motherfu- your Mathew Linens

I remember clearly of him attempting to bully me in Huntsman school but I fought back in self defense, Stolas leans over and whispers

Stolas: Do you know this person?

Aidan: Oh yeah but I'll explain everything after this... it's quite entertaining actually

Mathew: So what's it gonna be... you fight me or.... orrrrrr...

From the looks of how Mathew looked around everywhere to "threaten me" he wasn't prepared

Aidan: Or I can stuff your body six more feet further into the ground

I got up from the chair and leaped off the ground and landed right in front of this idiot

Aidan: I'm nice I'll play along with your foolish play

Mathew: I will make you wish you were never born

Aidan: Sorry but you are years behind my friend

Both of us walked a good distance between each other and Mathew tried to scare me with a sloppy fighting style with him making such silly screams which the audience in the room laughed at

Aidan: Please ladies first

Mathew: What you a coward to throw the first punch?

He pulled out a blacksky eye made for training arcane users and shot a weak photon beam that I just smacked away like it was a fly

Aidan: You know if you didn't drop out of byrgenwerth your skills wouldn't be this sad?


Stolas giggles in the back and comments

Stolas: That spell is used for new spell users and it's sad how you can't perfect the most simplest spell

Mathew: Oh ho ho we got another talker back there

Mathew whipped out a hunter's pistol and took fire at Stolas but I caught the silver bullet as soon as it was next to me

Aidan:*Distorted anger* Do that again and your gonna become a corpse quicker

He became intimidated a little but still acted all hard

Aidan:*Calm* Anyways it's my turn

I did the same spell except I didn't need a spell tool to help me cast the most simplest spell, as I wave my hands in a circular motion a giant photon beam was building and released it's energy towards Mathew sending him across the room

Aidan: See that's how you do the spell right

Mathew: Fine I change the rules no magic and spells only combat

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