Judging Rubric

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Creativity - 5 points

Is your design something new and out of the box? Or is it something we've seen 100 times before? How original? Did you follow the prompt word for word or did you add your own spin to it?

Quality - 10 points   

Are your resources good quality? Is everything crisp and clear? Or is it a little fuzzy and pixelated? 

Design - 15 points

this is where i will look at the overall design and all the technical work that has gone into it. Things like your typography, colors, manipulation, etc.

Relevance to the prompt - 10 points

For these points, you will gain more for following the prompt. You will always have some freedom with what you create but it is still important that it suits the prompt, no matter how creative you are and your design. If you go off the tangent and disregard the prompt you will lost points.

 Total points given- 40

I took this judging rubric from another graphic contest hosted by plutointhestars go check it out!

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