Chapter 6 - Joining the Pack

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Chapter 6 - Joining the Pack

*Bree's POV*

"In simple form, you're going to be the Moon Goddess," Daniel says.

"WHAT!" I scream.

He puts a finger to his ear and turns his head, "Man, I'm jealous."

"I'm being serious!" I snap.

"So am I."

"So, I'm going to be the Moon Goddess?" I asked, disbelief dripping from my words.


"Wait I'm confused. Why do I have two mates?" I asked.

"I don't know. I haven't researched that part yet."

"Whatever I don't really care, let's just tell everyone tomorrow, 'kay?"

"Yeah that works. Night, Bree," he said walking out.

"Night," I sighed.

I climbed in bed and fell asleep one thought lingering in my mind, 'Moon Goddess, I'm gonna be the Moon Goddess?'


I jolted up, cold sweat dripping down my forehead. I shivered and wrapped myself in the comforter. I looked around looking for the source of cold air. The window. 'I didn't open that.'

'No, you didn't, I smell, what is that? It's not Xavier, or Seth, or Danny, those are the only ones I know so, you're on your own, although he smells familiar,' Angelina tells me.

I take a whiff of the air and Felix. He pokes his head thought the window. "Hey Bree," he says, a goofy grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I ask, I pick my phone up from my nightstand and press the lock button. The light momentarily blinds me, I look at the large numbers reading '4:46' "It's 4:46! You better have a good explanation for this!"

"I do! I do!" he holds his hands up. "I heard you were going to be the Moon Goddess! Is it true?"

"First, how the hell did you hear that? Second, according to Daniel I am," I sigh.

"SWEET! My best friends the Moon Goddess!" he sings.

I give him a look that says really, and says "You're an idiot."

"I have my moments," he agrees.

"Okay, now leave, I want my sleep," I say, flopping back down on my bed, snuggling with my pillows and comforter.

"Nope, get up," he says walking so he's in front of me, hand on hips.

"No," I argue, snuggling deeper into my bed.

"Fine," he says, and next thing I know I'm over his shoulder.

"Put me down," I whine.

"Will you go with me?" he negotiates.

"As long as I can get dressed," I say.

"Fine, you have five minutes," he says and points at me, and walks downstairs.

I walk over to my dresser, grab a dark pair of skinny jeans, a jean jacket to throw on over my purple cami, and a pair of black converse. I walk over to my night stand and grab my hairbrush and pull it through my hair as Felix walks in with an apple in his hand.

"Really?" I ask.

"I was hungry, plus I didn't eat any Cuties so you have no right to yell at me," he says, taking a rather large bite of his apple. "Let's go," he says throwing the apple in my garbage can, on the other side of the room, while I throw my hair in a messy bun. He climbs through my window and I follow behind.

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