Chapter 1

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I wouldn't say the deaths ruined Rose but, then again, who would- that's rude. 2 years ago, when she lived in Queens with her mom, she was going school with her twin, Thomas, when he was hit by a speeding lorry and died in hospital. That knocked something out of her and she thought that would be the end of the trauma and devestation, but she was wrong. Just one year later a fire broke out at their flats while Rose was at a sleepove, her mum never made it out and her body was never found. After the two deaths, she didn't feel devastated after a week because she couldn't, she couldn't feel but she had to move to Germany to live with her dad. Now, two year's after Tom's death and a year after her mums she was at a big party with her father in Germany.
The room filled with people in fancy gowns and suits, smiling, laughing politely and making small talk. On one side of the room, just behind her father, was a girl of about 15. She smiled to all the people creating her dad, people's eyes were always fluttering back to the beauty, but she seemed completely zoned out.
"Rosylin, could you go talk to someone I have business to attend to." He said in German and she smiled submissively before spinning around and rolling her eyes.
"Rosylin, no thank you, Rose." she said under her breath pulling her shoulders back to get a drink.
The table was long and thin pushed up to the side of the beautiful, marbel room with a wonderful mabel staircase coming down the far side. Gazing into the carved ceiling she lent back onto the wall and sipped the redish drink in her hand.
The dress was beautiful, flowers run from her shoulders fading out to a mesh green fabric before a tight velvet belt signalled the start of a long layered skirt that flowed down so when she stood tall it was just above her ballet flats. Long bishop sleeves enveloped her arms with small pink flowers at the cuffs that climbed up the see through sleeves. Her normally disheveled hair was today sleekly pined back into a beautiful rose-like bun while the rest sat far below her shoulders bouncing and shining like the bands of the aurora. She didn't like make up but again today was a 'special day', as her father had described it, so she wore light blush, clear mascara and highlighter.
A shorter lady played a began to play a beautiful violin as a tall, dark-haired man with a strange sector started to defend the stairs catching Rose's eyes straight away. He didn't look out of place if it wasn't for the blue-ended sector- he wore a long black suit with some green trimming's. The look on his face was pure myschief, from his phycotic grin to his piercing eyes and even his long sliced back hair, that interested Rose even more. He was near the bottom of the stairs, close to her father speaking to some of the guests when they locked eyes, just for a millisecond but Rose began walking forward knowing things were about to unfold.
He flipped his sector and smashed one of the body guards in the face sending him smiling, causing a low gasp around the room. People began running for the exit, but the man grabbed her fathers face and dragged him over to a stone sculpture and flipping him onto it.
"How?" she said under her breath while deciding to face the man or not.
She couldn't believe what she was seeing, the mans expression hadn't seemed affected by the brutality of the situation but instead smiled looking down at her father. He pulled out a sinister metal machine with whiring blades, his gripped tightened around the mans throat as he plunged it gruesome into his face. At this moment people were running every which way, that only made him more pleased, he looked up still smiling and curled his lip. He pulled the whirring machine out of her father's eye as if he had completed what he came hear for leaving the body twitching on the side, blood pouring out of his face.
She began rushing out of the building to find the police but found her self at the front of a crowd of people also rushing that way. The man walked out of the buiding and sent a police car flying before turning to the crowd of people.
"Kneel before me." He said, but no one listened and instead turned the other way trying to run.
"I said kneel!" he screamed making copies of himself appear before her eyes surrounding them. Rose was dazed and confused but soon kneeled down to the all powerful man, her eyes pouring with tears. Unlike before he had changed into a massive, golden, horned helmet and rich clothing and he stood on a podium.
"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity. That you crave subjugation. The right air of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power. Your identiry, you were made to be ruled. In the end you will always kneel." he said, but Rose couldn't take it anymore.
"Not to men like you." she said standing, while resisting the lady tugging at her side for her to obey.
"Their are no men like me." he said laughing at her, but she stood still as her tears finally dried.
"Their are always men like you." she looked disgusted as she started at the man.
"Look to this girl people, let her be an example." he brought his eyes down to her, she didn't once flinch.
He slowly moved his scepter down to point at Rose, her eyes locked but empty, then a high pitched noise screeched as he shot a bright blue light at her. She was ready but just before it hit her Captain America jumped down deflecting the beam and Iron man fought the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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