incredibly short a/n

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i removed the chapter with the cast on it because i feel it is your right to imagine who you'd like. i won't make it difficult by constant physical descriptions.

but, i'll take this chapter to share my intended cast, which consists of:

- of course maya hawke as robin (ugh i'm so in love with her)

- brigette lundy-paine as angela sherwood (who goes by they/them, and has spoken about being comfortable with playing lesbian females characters, which they've done multiple times. i don't want to disrespect pronouns by having someone play a character with a gender they don't identify with, but because they have spoken about being alright with it, i'm more comfortable writing with brig as the face claim.)

- anthony michael hall as matthew richardson (strongly influenced by characters he played in various 80s movies, he kind of felt perfect for this character)

- matt dillon as brian sherwood, angela's twin (yet to be introduced)

and i guess those are the major face claims i had. this is kind of pointless, but just to let you know who i imagine as these characters.

but of course, like i said, you're totally welcome to imagine whoever you'd like! if you want, comment who you picture these characters as! i'm curious and would love to hear from you

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