Written in the Sand

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Riley leans against the handrail in the elevator that is taking them to Alice's apartment while Julia stands right by the buttons and reads some texts on her phone. Riley takes a long gaze at the girl as if this is the first time she has seen her. The freckles over her nose and blushing cheeks still mesmerize Riley. She smiles to herself and tries to hide it as soon as Julia looks up and meets her eyes.

"We'll have Thanksgiving at our place, right?" Julia finishes her sentence and smiles when she sees another smile shooting right at her. Riley always has that smile on her and Julia has such a difficult time understand it but she never hates it when it is on her. "What?"

Riley shrugs and heads out when the elevator door opens.

"What is it?" When Julia doesn't get an answer from Riley, she follows her and jumps on her for the unexpected piggy back ride. Riley is not prepared so she loses balance and both fall to the floor. Riley has learned to not fall on her wrist and Julia knows she shouldn't fall on Riley.

"Ouch." Riley giggles with pain on the floor with Julia slowly climbing on her. She really feels the pain from the hit but with this girl on top of her, the pain is nothing.

"Baby." Julia laughs but her eyes shine the ray of concern. She is straddling on defeated Riley and trying to check her for any possible injuries. If she performed this kind of procedure to a real patient, she would fail all the test miserably. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"No. I'm dying." Riley refuses to get up on her feet although Julia is already up and offering her a hand. "I'm in pain."

"Are you really?" Julia grins. From what she sees, Riley is perfectly fine. She'll probably get a few bruises on her knees but other than that, she is fine and she is overreacting. Julia kneels next to her and kisses her adoringly. "Is that better?"

"No." Riley mumbles with her frowny face. "Can I have another one of that? Please?"

"Sure." Julia smiles and presses her lips on Riley's smile. "You're such a baby."

"Of course." Riley smiles. "I'm your baby."

"Of course, you're my baby." Julia squeezes Riley's cheeks playfully.

Meanwhile, inside Alice's apartment, it is a mess. Clothes are on the floor; piece by piece from the door to the couch. Two figures are moving under the reversible double-sided throw blanket that Alice always leaves on the couch so that she can watch TV or work comfortably. Now, it serves a new purpose and it works well for its new duty.

"I heard them." Alice suddenly lifts her head up showing her messy hair and messy lips. Her eyes go panicky as she tries to balance herself on another muscular body.

"Who?" Jack lifts himself up with support from his elbows and glances around suspiciously like Alice. He tries to protect her from falling off but she is halfway down the couch with the speed of light.

"Riley... and Julia." Alice quickly collects her clothes from the floor and puts them on while Jack is still confused on the couch. His jeans are a reach away but he still lets the throw blanket cover his lower body. "Riley has the keys and you need to hide."

"Why?" Alice grabs his jeans and throws them at him. Jack still doesn't move as fast as she wishes him to be. His eyebrows are so close together like two trains that are about to collide.

"Because she lived here. Come on. Go in my room and be quiet."

"No." Jack tries to get the explanation while being pushed towards Alice's bedroom. "Why do I need to hide?"

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