Chapter 1

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I can see even if you're not by my side.
I can feel you, even if you don't say a word.
Because I believe in you,
Even if I'm afraid.

Laying in her bed, Nari Kang (강 나리) was thinking about the amazing day she'd just had with her friends, Hueningkai, Taehyun, Beomgyu, Soobin, and Yeonjun. They'd walked the streets of Seoul, looking at different things and laughing, having fun. Now, Nari was in the house she shared with six other girls. From oldest to youngest it was: Daisy, Maddie, Louise, Abby, Jenni, Krystal, then Nari, the youngest.

Meanwhile at the Big Hit dorms, Soobin was thinking of Nari. She and Yeonjun had sat next to each other on a train one day and started talking like the enthusiastic kind of people they were, and Yeonjun later introduced Nari to the others. But, Soobin began to fall in love with her. He knew that he shouldn't be falling in love with one of his best friends, especially since it seemed like Nari's roommates liked him. Soobin layed down with a sigh, knowing he would be too chicken to confess to Nari. If he even could, that is.

"Krystal, give me back my hairbrush!" Nari yelled. It was early in the morning at the AB House (as it was called), and she was getting ready for the day, but she couldn't find her brush. "Krystal!!!"

Nari ended up walking downstairs shirtless, trying to confront Krystal about her stolen hairbrush. Since Krystal was her only other roommate, she was the only other one who had access to Nari's brush.

"Nari, I didn't take it!" Krystal insisted. "And I don't know where you left it, either! Ask Louise. I'm sure she knows where it is."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and Nari sighed as she went to open it. When she did, Nari was met by the smiling faces of her best friends. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai had decided to stop by the AB house and surprise Nari on their way to the studio that morning. And what a surprise it was.

Nari left the door open a crack and ran upstairs, panicked. Her best friends who were male had seen her topless. Nari shrunk down and sat in front of her bedroom door. It was an embarrassing moment that she would most likely never forget.

Similar to Nari, Soobin was also not likely to forget that experience. After all, he had seen Nari, his crush, shirtless. Even though he'd only seen her for less than three seconds, Nari's topless figure made Soobin fall in love with her even more, if that was possible for him to do so.

"So, Soobin..." One of Nari's housemates, Jenni, purred seductively, trailing her perfectly pink and manacured fingers up his arm. "You got any plans tonight?"

Soobin gulped nervously. The situation itself made him uncomfortable, but what made it even more nerve-racking was the fact that Nari could walk downstairs at any given moment and see Jenni with her hands all over Soobin. If she did, Nari might get the wrong impression. Nari might even think he and Jenni were dating!

"We have dance rehearsal tonight," Yeonjun answered for Soobin, who nodded his head thankfully. "Then, we're all getting ice cream with Nari afterwards. I found this new place we could try out."

"Ugh, why do you always hangout with Nari?" Jenni complained, and right at that moment, Nari walked down the stairs. "Do you like her or something?"

"Nari? Of course we like Nari," Beomgyu replied, "I mean, who doesn't?!"

"I mean like like her," Jenni smirked, "I meant in love with her. Not just liking her, you idiot."

Soobin looked down nervously, and Taehyun looked at him knowingly. Taehyun, being the smart one of the group, had figured out Soobin's crush on Nari a long time ago, and he was the only one who knew. For now, at least. Soobin had been planning to tell Yeonjun for a while now. Maybe Yeonjun could help Soobin work up the courage to confess.

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