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the next day, keeho begged his mother to stop at the playground one more time to say goodbye to jiung. fortunately, she said yes. but when keeho got there, the younger was no one to be seen.

"keeho, i don't think he's here," his mother said when keeho sat on the bench besides her.

"can we wait a little longer? i know he'll come."

"we can't stay too much longer, we have about an hour before we have to head to the airport."

keeho nodded and looked around at the playground. the other kids were playing with their friends while he sat there, a visibly sad aura surrounding him.

he told jiung that he was leaving today, so why wasn't the younger coming to say good bye?

after only 20 minutes, keeho decided to stand up and tell his mother that they could leave. he was truly upset, he wanted to cry right there and then. he didn't though, because he didn't want his last moments in korea to be sad.

keeho and his mother walked to the car, driving up to the airport and leaving the country, not knowing if they'll ever come back.



a/n: sorry for the really short chapter today! i accidentally cut my fingers and its kinda hard to type. the next update might be a little late, i want to wait until my wounds are healed to finish writing.

with love,
- k

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