chapter 1

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The screen show hiccup on the back of a night fury
"Oh yeah shut up you all can wait until the scene is finished until the next scene then when the thing I want to show you happens you can all react freely have fun" flash says.
Hiccup and toothless are flying through the air has hiccup says
"Okay bud let's try the new move."
Toothless grumbles in agreement
They dive down and then turn around and go up fast has hiccups say ahooo
"Yeah baby" says hiccup
"That's it toothless push it" "you've got it climb higher."
Hiccup detaches has he says
"What the oh no not again" hiccup says.
This confused everyone again?
"Uh hey toothless" hiccup says more calm then he should be in this situation he falls through the air. Toothless dives down after him he catches up and again hiccup looks way to calm for this.
"Hey"hiccup says as he looks at toothless.
"So just plummet  it uh...any ideas."hiccup says like he's been in the situation a thousand time which to be fair he probably has.
Toothless speeds up and catches hiccup.
"Ok that is the end of this scene. Now say what you want to say" flash says
Everyone was speechless though hiccup the useless was saved by a dragon and he was so calm after free falling no one made anything to say after that. Flash had an evil grin if that left them speechless what will happen with the next one. "Ok the next scene fill free to talk when ever" flash says.
It shows hiccup coming out of a hut rubbing his eyes tiredly
"Hey" says snoutlout who is leaning  against a wall.
"Hey" he says back but his face says it's to early for this shit what do you want.
Everyone laughed at that.
Hiccup is then punched in the face by snoutlout.
"What is wrong with you." Hiccup demanded
While the chief is glaring at snoutlout
"Hiccup Haddock I'm calling you out defend yourself."snoutlout says
Walking  towards hiccup.
"Defend my--" hiccup stutters
Snoutlout pulls out an axe and tried to hit hiccup keyword being tried has he missed.
"Fight me."he whispered to hiccup.
"What what are you doing." Hiccup asked.
"I said fight me. What's that hiccup you want to fight to the death." Snoutlout said loudly while looking in the sky.
"What. Who said that nobody said that"hiccup said confused to what the the hell is going on.
"You did" snoutlout says.
Snoutlout the pulls the axe out of the wood and starts swinging over the top of hiccups head(skip the part with the twins)
Snoutlout is then swinging the axe in the table completely missing hiccup who just had a face he was already done with today and he just woke up.
He got laughter with that face
Snoutlout couldn't get the axe out of the table and saw hiccup walking away and ran up behind him and flicked his head.
"Ow I'm not going to fight you snoutlout" hiccup says.
"You see that the future chief is a coward" snoutlout says loudly.
Hiccup stops.
Everyone gasped at that
Hiccup looked pissed as snoutlout continued
"You heard me come on hit me."
"You know you want to" he says.
Hiccup still looking pissed walked up to snoutlout
"Fine but remember you wanted this." Hiccup says has snoutlout holds his arms out waiting for it to happen. It shows the twins on a cliff has the looked away from the punch and if the twins of all people looked away you know it was bad.
Everyone had to agree with this but were still to shocked that hiccup punched snoutlout.
Stoick then gets up and says "that's my boy" he Pat's hiccup on the back the.crowd erupted into cheers that hiccup actually punched someone even astrid had a smile on her face at that and even a almost non noticeable  blush as she looked at astrid.
The show started again.
Snoutlout backs up holding his nose as he says "whatd you do that for. Hold on I gotta take a..." has he passed out.
Cue the shock look from everyone hiccup not only punched snoutlout but knocked him out with 1 hit every one silently agreed not to get on his bad side. To late for that.
Skip when the barf and belch drop the fish to hiccup holding snoutlouts head "mom dad hiccup hit me I'm really thirsty." Snoutlout says.
"Club house now and someone get him some ice." Hiccup says now skip to the part snoutlout spits out 3 teeth

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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