Chapter 2 : St Louis

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Jonah had just clocked out of his last shift of the week , he was driving back to his house , well his ex's house which he still lived in. After their breakup , he didn't have the money to buy a new place and , if he was honest with himself , he couldn't let the house go , because then , he would've really let her go. He was in the begging of a new relationship sure but every so often , thoughts of Amy would pop into his brain and engulf any feelings of happiness or joy he had at that moment.
As he was driving home , he heard a ping from his phone , it was from Garrett
'Are you sure you'll be ok at the wedding?'
Jonah felt puzzled as to what he meant and so replied
'Erm what do you mean?'
'Yano because Amy's gonna be there and you haven't talked to her since the breakup'
He felt his whole face go white with fear , he hadn't realised what should've been so blatantly obvious, He felt stupid for a moment before returning to his state of panic. What was he going to do ? What would he say ? He knew she knew about his relationship as she had liked his Instagram post about it a few days before. He didn't know what to do , but before he could question his emotions he received another message , this time from Dina :
'Amy's flying in from California tomorrow so be warned'
He could feel his breathing get faster and faster and he began to sweat. TOMORROW?? Why did it have to be so soon. He put his foot down on the pedal and sped off to his home. Unknown to him , the home he would be sharing with Amy upon her arrival.

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