Chapter 12 : the after party

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Amy had taken off her dress and swapped it for something more comfortable. Her and Dina entered the party , the room was full of people , there was music blasting from two huge speakers positioned at either side . She looked at the seating arrangements and found her place , she took a quick glance at the other people on her table. Eric , Mateo , their parents and .. oh shit , Jonah. The sight of his name made her anxious , they would be forced to talk now. Still , she walked towards her seat and sat down.
A few moments later walked in Jonah , he was terrified but , tried to hide his feelings with a smile. He looked at the seating chart but payed no attention to the rest of the people on it , well that was until he started to walk towards his table and saw Amy sat there , next to her parents. His panic was cut short when Mateo made his speech.
M:I'm so happy to be here..
He stopped talking and began to look pale.
As Jonah was the best man , he felt it was his duty to help, so he stood up and walked over to whisper:
J: are you ok ?
M: erm no , I can't do this
Mateo shoved the mic into Jonah's hand and ran out the room , shortly followed by Eric. Once again , Jonah had been forced to make an unprepared speech. It started out ok..
J: It makes me happy to see too people who love each other getting married and joining family's ,

Then , he couldn't think straight and started rambling
J: A family that I was almost apart of , until Yano , the breakup but it's ok , I'm ok , I mean yeah sure Hannah just broke up with me and I'm all alone but ...

The whole room went silent as Jonah poured his heart out.
Amy looked at him in shock , why was he talking about this in public ? And when had his girlfriend dumped him ?, part of her wanted to go and help , but part of her wanted to hear what he had to say so ,she left it a few more minutes.
J: I'm- I'm fine , dd-did I want to have a future with Amy , s-sure , she was the best thing that ever happened to me but I-i guess that's all down the drain now and
Mateos mother interjected , ripping the mic from Jonah and pushing him to take his seat.
He sat down and covered his face with that palms of his hands. He had fucked up , how could he have ruined yet another speech. He couldn't imagine what Amy must've been thinking , but at least she now knew he was single.
After the last few speeches , everyone got up and danced. Amy walked towards Jonah who was sitting staring blankly at a wall.
A: hey
J: hi , about earlier I
Amy put her hand over his mouth
A: do you want to dance?
She pulled him to the dance floor as a slow song started to play.
Jonah put his hands on her hips and began to sway , she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his chest. They stayed in this position for the next few songs , in silence , this was all they needed. Neither of them were ready to discuss their relationship , but they both felt warm and safe in each others arms. Jonah looked down at Amy and kissed her on the forehead , he was still so desperately in love with her.
Amy eventually lifted her head from his chest.
A: I'm sorry , I'm sorry about everything
She said as she let go of him and walked towards the exit. She did want to talk with him but , just not in the middle of a large room filled with people.
Jonah stood in the middle of the floor , alone with his thoughts , he was confused but sure that they would be able to talk their problems out and with that , he headed home , to be greeted by Amy at the door.

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