Micky || Part 6

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Okay,todays the day i have lunch with Micky

I cant do this,what if i mess up?

Phone vibrates

I have a DM

'hey katie,ill meet you at 1 xxx'

ok at one,thats.. thats 30 MINUTES AWAY OMFG NOOO

I rush to the mirror,omg,i cant wear this,i get a cream crop top instead,


Shall i wear make up?

No,i dont want him thinking something bad

ok,im off

i arrive at the front of McDonalds,

Micky's already there

Me;OMG am i late?

Micky;No,your 5 minutes early,;)

OMG,good,i didnt screw up

 We head in and go straight to the till 

Till Person; What shall i get you? She winks

I give her a look,she can fuck off

Micky; a large chicken legend meal and two strawberry milkshakes

Me;2? Ill Have a Chicken Mayo Sandwich and A McFlurry And A Coke

We Pay,get our meal and try find a spot to sit

Its full,NOO

Just then,someone gets up frm a 2 seated table YES

We both sit down and begin eating

Me;Hows the boys?

Micky;What do you mean?


Micky;Oh,Theyre Good 

Me;Im Glad To Hear 

All that time i tried to talk to Micky,he kept on stuttering

We were down to his 2 milkshakes and McFlurry

Me;Micky are you ok?

Micky;Yeh its just

Me;Just what? you can tell me anything you know

Micky;Cause i..ilove you katie

He turns red and looks down

I reach for his hand and kisses his cheek

Micky Loves Me

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