The Morning After

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Yeonjun wakes up in the early morning light, feeling his head pounding, and his mouth is so dry he can barely feel his swollen tongue. He swallows hard, squinting at the dim light and he becomes aware of noises of quick shuffling of feet, and lowered voices. He realizes where he is; in his own bed, in his room, in the dorm, and he realizes the sounds he is hearing are from his room mates, his group members, his friends. His eyes pop open and he sits up quickly, turning to wake her and warn her that the house is awake but he turns to find the bed next to him empty. He looks around his room for some sign of her, but sees none.

He jumps up out of the bed, still fully clothed in last nights attire, and he remembers exactly what happened in his twin sized bed and why he's still wearing his clothes from the club. He smiles at the thought of her, and that terrible drink he made, and then hears Beomgyu's voice arguing with Heuningkai. He moves quickly to the door, hoping she did not have to run into them on her way to the bathroom. He opens the door to his room and sees them both facing each other in the hallway. They stop arguing and turn to him.

"Oh, you're up, good, we're late," Beomgyu says. Yeonjun blinks hard, running his hand through his messy hair and he looks around the hallway. Huening Kai watches him.

"You look rough Hyung, did you have a bad night?" Kai asks, looking over his now wrinkled clothing. Yeonjun shakes his head, confused.

"No, I had the best night. Where -where is she?" he asks. They both look at him confused, then look at each other.

"Where is who?" Soobin asks as he walks up to join them.

"The girl I brought back here, you know, from the club." All three of them look back and forth between each other, surprised.

"There's no one here Hyung," Soobin explains, shaking his head.

"What? She spent the night, with me, in my room. Where did she go?" He moves past them into the hallway and he walks toward the bathroom door which is shut. He knocks on it loudly. "Hello?" he calls in through the door and it's opened. Taehyun stares back at him.

"Hello to you too Hyung. Why are you still wearing last night's clothes?" he asks as he steps past him into the hallway. "We're going to be late for practice, the car is already out front." Yeonjun turns to look at each of them, standing in the tight space staring at him.

"She was here, with me, she came home with me. None of you saw her leave?" he asks, sounding a little desperate. They shake their heads.

"Maybe she snuck out when she heard you snore," Beomgyu teases, making Heuningkai laugh.

"But, I didn't even get her name!" he looks at each of them, looking upset. They stop teasing him, thinking this might be more meaningful to him than they expected. Soobin steps up and touches his shoulder.

"Hyung, I'm sorry. It was probably just one of those things. But we can't hang around here, we're gonna be late for practice if we don't leave right now." Yeonjun takes in what he's been told, and he nods, deep in thought, wondering why she would just leave. She must have left early before anyone got up, and if she had as much to drink as he did, she has to be feeling god awful right about now. He shakes his head and then returns to his room to quickly change into a t-shirt, sweats and a hoodie.

He manages to have just enough time to brush his teeth and wash his face before he joins the others at the company van out front, pulling his cap low and his hood up.  The same driver who took them from club to club last night is waiting for them. Yeonjun greets him with a half smile, feeling a little embarrassed about his hungover state. He drops back into the seat next to him and the driver looks over the lot of them, laying half asleep in the van.

Birthday Girl  / Yeonjun / TXT completedWhere stories live. Discover now