Aftermath Part One

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It had to be a sick prank, Eridan wouldn't actually go this far. Would he?

It had to be taken just a little too damn far, right? I-he wouldn't mutilate himself like this-

A sick prank. That's what it had to be, right? Seriously, there was no way that Eridan would legitimately sever so many fins, you knew he wasn't that stupid.

But he was. He was that stupid, and you fucking knew it. God damn it.

You waited hours, you had your phone with you thank god, because if you hadn't, you wouldn't have been able to contact Feferi. You were so scared, just so scared. You didn't want this to happen, not to him, not to someone as lovely as him. The sight of it made you sick, and you were hardly able to talk, croaking out a few words as you clutched the bloody seadweller in thin arms.

"Call-call nine-one-one- it-it'th Eridan, he-" He couldn't finish. "I think-he needth help-"

The ambulance's arrival felt like forever, but it only took minutes, and Sollux was clambering onto the vehicle behind the EMTs and the stretcher that Eridan had been placed upon.



They felt like minutes.


They felt like hours.


They felt like days.


They felt like weeks.

It took well over a week for things to finally even out enough, for Eridan to be stable enough to have his fins grafted back on, though there would be scarring, he would survive.

Your bloodpusher hurt. Your thinkpan pounded like a steam engine. You felt terrible.

You couldn't eat. You couldn't sleep. What use were you? Sollux Captor, you, the Gemini, the fucking freak of the trolls. The one with vision twofold, the one who should have seen this coming.

And you didn't.

You had no idea and it killed you inside.

You never left his side, you and Feferi had stayed with him, in his hospital room, he had no family, none of the trolls did. They died back in the game. They probably would have been killed here too, had they even made it that far.

So blood transfusions took place, fuchsia and gold, the doctors had no idea why the shades worked so well together, to be honest. They were still confused on troll anatomy. And even with Eridan's advanced healing, he nearly didn't make this.

And you couldn't help but wonder.


So now was the time you saw charcoal-violet eyes open, and chapped lips were parted in a small gasp of pain as he began to shift and squirm.

"W-wwhere-" He started, voice rasping and faint.

You answered softly, using your psionics, even if they were weakened by your lack of appetite, to push Eridan gently back down.

"Hothpital. You nearly died." He was blunt, who wouldn't expect it? God, what did Eridan mean to do by trying to pull that stunt-?

Feferi had left to get lunch, visit with her matesprit and..moirail? You didn't really keep up with her anymore, you were too low on the social food chain, even if she was an alien.

"I knoww." The only thing you could think of at that moment, was why?

Why would he do that?

Why try to commit suicide?

What pushed him that far? Did I?

What if I didn't make it-?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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