Chapter 1 - Your first day

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So there you are , It's your first day of being one of the Avengers. You got everything settled in your room. 
When you we're busy with finishing your preferred things Steve knocked on your door
"Hey y/n, do you need help with anything? Or do you want something to eat?" He asks with a big friendly smile on his face.
"No I'm good, thank you" You responded. 

"Maybe after you are done you could meet everyone." Steve said before he left not waiting for a response.

"Of course! I'll be there in a few seconds" You yelled after him.

After you were done you came to the big living room. There we're a lot of people. Peter, Steve, Wanda, Bucky, Vision, Tony and a lot more. 

Steve stood up and walked in front of everyone and got everyone's attention by saying "Hey everyone. Please welcome our new avenger y/n"
Out of your surprise everyone greeted you, but Peter was more social then usual. He came to greet you very enthusiastically. 

"Hey there I remember when I had my first day at the avengers. I was so excited. Maybe a bit too excited. But anyway, how do you like it here so far?" He rattled
You took a second to respond, because he was talking so fast it was hard to process. 

"Oh yeah.. I like it here. It really feels like a family." You responded. 

"Yeahhhh. Although I really miss my aunt sometimes. But I usually visit her every so often when I have free time"

"Oh, that's nice. I don't have any family to visit when I'm free. So i usually buy some books in the book store and read them. Sometimes I even read the whole day through" 

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. But... you now have us so you won't be alone during your free time" He responded trying to change the subject.

"And I'm happy to be here." You responded.

After meeting everyone Tony took the lead and got everyone together. "So what about we all go do something fun tomorrow? To celebrate our new member of the family."

*complete silence*

After a minute Tom responded "What about bowling?"

"Sounds like a good plan kid. Everyone with that idea?"

everyone nodded yes.

"Amazing! Well then that's settled.
Okay everyone make your schedule free for tommorow, because this is gonna a very cool party"
Pepper just walked in
"What party?" she said.
"oh no, nothing. Don't worry." Tony responded quickly 
"alright then."
Pepper was a bit suspicious of Tony's reaction but walked off. 

You asked Peter if he maybe wanted to play table tennis with you. Purely out of boredom
"Yo pete, do you wanna play table tennis with me? I'm pretty bored. 

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a sec need to go to the toilet real quick"

After he came back you played table tennis until dinner. There we're a lot of good rally's but you won most of them. All and all it were fun games.
You played until dinner time 


oi, my first fanfic chapter done. Pretty happy with it. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter there sure will be a lot more chapters in coming(not in a sort of schedule just when I feel like it. I don't have a lot of time cuz i ussually go to school or skate a lot outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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