♡ chapter 1 ♡

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(03/03/21) hi, i am starting this book and am praying that it'll turn out good. so if you're reading this right now. i hope you're gonna enjoy :)
It's a frisky Friday morning and you're heading to school for your first day of your senior year at Kang high school. Your mom got a job here and she made your family move with her. You do not know how to speak Korean one bit and you're scared you won't make new friends. You also wore your little sister's skirt by accident and now you feel uncomfortable. Why does her skirt have to be so tight? The school's uniform is beige and white with a little brown. It's a typical manga school uniform. You're listening to your favorite song [insert your fav song atm].


When you enter, all eyes are on you. They already hate me you think to yourself.

"Annyeongaseyo! Eunha imnida" a random girl says while taking a bow in front if you.

"Sorry I don't speak Korean." you replied. You had moved here 2 days ago so you didn't even know the slightest bit of it.

"Oh haha I should've known. I don't speak to foreign people that often. Hi I'm Eunha is what I said a minute ago." she says while smiling.

"Hi Eunha! I'm Y/N." You struggle to say her name the way she said it but still manage to do it.

"Do you want me to show you around?" she asks.

"Yeah I'd love that!" you reply very enthusiastically.

"Don't worry about speaking English. Almost everyone here understands and speaks it perfectly. Although this is an international school, there aren't many people from foreign countries."

Before you have time to reply she continues: "This is the main hallway where most of us just hangout. This school is very small so you should be seeing familiar faces after a week or so. I see you have science first so it should be in that class over there."

After long minutes of Eunha explaining everything about this establishment, you are finally done with the tour. It turns out Eunha is half-korean and half-vietnamiese so she can speak both languages along with English of course. You both are now at the cafeteria.

"Before I let you go to class let me just introduce you to some people." Eunha says.

You nod but feel anxious because you are very shy when it comes to meeting new people. You don't have time to back out because she's already pulling you towards 2 girls.

"Jennie, Jisoo, I'd like you to meet Y/N."

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you." you say in the sweetest way possible.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you too." Jennie replies while smiling.

You guys talked for what seemed like hours but ended up being 5 minutes. It was like old friends reuniting.

"I'm sorry but Y/N has to go to class soon." Eunha declares to Jennie and Jisoo.

"Let's catch up later then!" you can hear Jisoo exclaim as Eunha drags you away from them.

"You're going to be late hurry!" she exclaims as she pushes you in the direction of your class.

2 steps in and someone already stops you.

"Hello. Y/N right? I'm going to be your science teacher for the year." your teacher says.

"Hello sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." you say while smiling.

He directs you to your seat. It's in the very back of the classroom. You are sitting next to this pretty handsome guy.

"Who are you?" he says in a unfriendly way.

"Y/N. I'm new here" you reply.

After long seconds you speak again.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I just told you mine."

"I don't want to."

"Ok then." you finally end.

You're not going to try and argue with this guy. He seems to be in a bad mood.

After class ends, the guy comes up to you.

"Taehyung" he blurts out.


"My name."

"I don't understand."

He gets a little pissed off by your slowness and says something to you in Korean. It sounded like he was saying paboya but again you don't speak Korean so you wouldn't know.

"Let me rephrase that so your little tiny head can understand me." he says very slowly making you sound dumb.

"My name. You know what a name is Y/N? Your name is Y/N and mine is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

Oh he was telling you his name. How could I have been so stupid, you think to yourself.

"I'm sorry." you simply say.

"That's why it's so hard for me to like foreigners like you. You're the perfect example. You're so stupid. Why did you even come to school here. I swear I see more and more people come here so they can be part of the Korean culture. You have your own culture. Keep it. Words like oppa have been completely ruined by people like you. It just makes me cringe now every time I hear it." Taehyung says.

It wasn't your fault. You were forced to come here. You didn't have a choice.

"Just so you know, I would have gladly stayed in my country if I had the chance. I'm sorry for whatever my people have done to you and your culture but please don't take it out on me." you tell him.

It's now only you and him in the classroom and you are ready to leave when Taehyung's hand grips onto your wrist. You turn around to face him. He looks annoyed.

"What do you want?" you ask.

Before he has time to answer, Eunha enters your classroom looking all worried.

"There you are! I was looking everywhere for you Y/N. Taehyung let go of her."

He does as she commands and lets go of your wrist. You exit with Eunha leaving Taehyung all alone in the classroom.
(12/03/21) i hope this isn't too cringe. haha. i don't know what i wanna do yet so this story could go all over the place. if you're looking for smut, i'm sorry but i'm too innocent to write any. lmao. i will write kiss scenes and intense behavior that could lead up to it though. okay im done talking (or writing) have a great day!
-kitty xx

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